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    Hideo Kojima Wins His First "Cologne Creative Award" at the Cologne Film Festival

      With just a few weeks to go before Death Stranding's debut on Playstation 4, we had a nice surprise, which only demonstrates how much the game developer is appreciated to this day not only by the gaming community and specialized critics, but even by the movie industry. Yesterday, Hideo Kojima, creator of the iconic Metal Gear series, won his first Cologne Creative Award at the Cologne Film Festival.

      å ° å³¶ç ›£ ç £ ã ŒCologne Film Festival §ã € 第1å› žâ € œCologne Creative Awardâ € ã‚'å —è³žã —ã ¾ã —ã Ÿï¼ #ffcgn #hideokojima

      - Kojima Productions (@ KojiPro2015) October 17, 2019

      It's no surprise that he won such an award, as his games go far beyond graphics and action scenes. After all, Kojima has already created a new genre of game in Metal Gear and now, according to him, he is creating another genre with Death Stranding, presenting a new way of playing.

      Hideo Kojima Wins His First

      Hideo Kojima with the "Cologne Creative Award" in his hand. Source: Hideo Kojima (Twitter)

      In Death Stranding, according to Kojima, the central theme is "Connection", where throughout the game he will try to pass this message on to whoever plays it. One of the ideas he had to demonstrate this was the question of the message that a person can pass through certain actions. In the old days, for example, a soldier would write a letter with the words "I don't know when I'm going to die" and it would take months for it to reach the loved one, and when this person receives it, he thinks "he might be dead". As she thinks about it, she starts to wonder what the soldier was thinking when he wrote the message, however, as everything we do today is in real time, Kojima had to adapt to convey that sense of connection.

      Through asynchronous multiplayer, Kojima's idea is to make the player think when finding a cup in a certain place "Did this person deliberately put it there? Did she just have to throw away the load?". So you start thinking about people's intentions when leaving objects along the way, which can cause a feeling of helping each other or thinking about what other reasons could have led to what she's seeing at the moment. Kojima wanted to bring this lack of immediacy to life using his game, taking away the immediacy of people. Sometimes we are very direct in our communications, wanting real-time answers about what we see, and we don't stop to think about what we are talking about, what it will cause, what actually happened when such an event occurred. In Death Stranding, Kojima manages to pass this, because there's no way you can ask someone what happened there.

      Hideo Kojima Wins His First

      Award received by Hideo Kojima. Source: Hideo Kojima (Twitter)

      This idea behind Death Stranding is probably what won him the Cologne Creative Award. What do you think? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

      Source: Twitter

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