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    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Players who want to evolve in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team probably want to know how to earn coins and save points so they don't have to spend money on the game and at the same time don't depend on packages with random prizes. Check out in this guide how to efficiently make the most of the coin market and the rewards of the football game.

    The creation of the Ultimate Team is the objective of the game, so the player will have to get only the best players and for that it will be necessary to use in-game coins and at the same time save points. For this we made a list of useful tips for FIFA 21 players to achieve their goals.

    Complete placements first to get an early cash boost

    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Complete placements first to get an early cash boost.

    If you are just starting to play FIFA 21, it is advisable that, before anything else, the player starts playing Division Rivals ranked matches with their starting eleven players.

    If you're not worried about your rank but want to challenge yourself to climb the ranks, simply climb the ranks as fast as you can to get thousands of coins or a good amount of packs. Of course the rewards will depend on your performance in the game, but it is certain that you will get a good amount of money, even if you lose several games.

    Playing with a basic team at the beginning, you will really know if you are skilled or not in FIFA, since it doesn't have the best players to facilitate, in addition to having many rewards that will give you enough coins to be able to assemble a good team instead of assembling. something more or less with the coins that are available at the beginning of the game.

    Complete Foundation challenges to earn coins and packs

    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Complete Foundation challenges to earn coins and packs.

    In the objectives tab of the FIFA 21 main menu, you will find the "Foundations" option, which gives you the possibility to earn various coins and tradable packs by completing relatively easy objectives. There are, for example, objectives that only require your participation in all FIFA 21 modes.

    Once you start completing objectives, you can also go to the Milestones option, which offers missions with more lucrative packs and coin rewards. However, these are more complicated to complete and you will have to complete them throughout your career.

    Focus on weekly recurring rewards

    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Focus on weekly recurring rewards.

    Every week there will be Squad Battles matches where the player will have one week to complete them and earn points. The amount of points you earn will determine which rewards you will receive at the end of the week. The best thing to do is win all Squad Battles matches with your best team. You can replay matches to earn more and get better rankings.

    By increasing the difficulty of the game, the number of points earned will be higher and the rewards will be better, being possible to win Jumbo packs and lots of coins.

    The same thing said above applies to Division Rivals online multiplayer. Every week a new competition will start and by maintaining a good ranking and score you will earn a lot of coins.

    Invest in time-limited and trending (popular) players in the transfer market

    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Invest in time-limited and trending players in the transfer market.

    Making money on the transfer market is quite complicated in FIFA 21 with Gold cards. Now it is necessary to be very lucky to earn your money back with packs. That is, you will have to think about which players are really a good investment and try to earn enough to gather some and then resell them to influence the market in your favor.

    It's hard to think about which players will have good value, but doing so will be a good way to earn coins. If you find a player that you think will be more profitable in the future, take him, hold and sell when his value increases. To do this, look at the major league tables and the games of the week, looking to buy and resell players who usually score goals.

    It's interesting to take a look at the Squad-Building Challenges to try to find good solutions and catch players that others might be looking for. Another way to earn is to buy during the week and sell at the end of the week, which is when most people are playing.

    Don't disregard kits and consumables

    How to earn coins and save your points in FIFA 21

    Don't disregard kits and consumables.

    Perhaps you feel like discarding, selling, or even forgetting about non-player cards. However, it is possible to earn money from them, especially if you get a rare consumable or stadium part or one linked to a club with a good crowd. If you need a few more coins to get a player, start looking at your emblems and kits to see if there's anything other players are looking for.

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