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    How to Play the Lost Ark Closed Beta on PC

    How to Play the Lost Ark Closed Beta on PC

    O Lost Ark closed beta is now available for Spanish players! THE Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG announced on Thursday (5) that the game had arrived in some countries around the world, which includes Spain.

    O Online RPG is a title highly anticipated by fans of the genre and by PC gamers in general, being a game that promises to deliver a really interesting journey to the public. Without further ado, here's how to play the game's closed beta!

    The best MMORPGs to play today

    How to play the Lost Ark closed beta

    The closed beta of Lost Ark allows the "lucky ones" to check out the game before its official release in was november 11, the trial period doesn't require much for players to try their luck.

    To try to participate in the closed beta of Lost Ark, you just need to register on the game's official website. If you are chosen, in your email you will receive a code to activate the game on steam and perform the download. After that, you're ready to start playing the Lost Ark closed beta.


    Being one successful game in Korea, Japan and Russia, Lost Ark is coming to other countries around the world with the help of Amazon Games, expanding its already massive player base.

    The online RPG, which also has MMO elements, delivers interesting scenarios with a great look, in addition to offering a awesome non-hack'n slash combat.

    The title offers a lot of content for the players, giving the possibility to choose one class among 15 different, with each displaying its own abilities and characteristics. In addition, there are also many game modes that can be checked out.

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