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    Improve the grip on Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons, meet the SwitchGrip Pro 2

      There's no denying that Nintendo's new console, the Switch, has once again revolutionized the way we play our games, just like the Wii in its day. However, even having several positive points bringing incredible versatility to the console, the video game is not without its flaws. The idea of ​​your Joy-Cons controls is very interesting, however, unfortunately, they are not ergonomic and after some time your hands can suffer from this pain.

      But, to the delight of Nintendo Switch players, a company has developed a solution to the problem of discomfort by creating a support for the console, where on its sides there is a support that follows the lines of the control, thus improving the "footprint" in the Joy-cons. This company is called Satisfy, and the accessory is already going into its second generation, with some improvements. Called the SwitchGrip Pro 2, the device was reviewed by the website nintendoenthusiast, giving us a better idea of ​​what it brings to the user.

      Improve the grip on Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons, meet the SwitchGrip Pro 2

      SwitchGrip Pro 2. Fonte: nintendoenthusiast

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      The first interesting point that Miguel Moran, who carried out the analysis of the product, noticed was small soft rubber spots on the inside, which help to better secure the console and at the same time prevent it from scratching with the movements made by the player. In addition, there has been an improvement in the fit of the console to the accessory where the curves have been improved which are now smoother providing a better appearance. The shape of the handles has also been improved to provide a more comfortable grip of the console in handheld mode.

      What do you think of the Satisfy SwitchGrip Pro 2? Would you buy to use on your console? Comment below and share your opinion with us!


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