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    Keiichiro Toyama, creator of Silent Hill, leaves SIE Japan studio

    Keiichiro Toyama, creator of Silent Hill, leaves SIE Japan studio

    After more than two decades working at SIE Japan Studio, Keiichiro Toyama leaves the company along with Kazunobu Sato and Junya Okura. Responsible for the popular Slient Hill and Gravity Rush franchises, Keiichiro decided to set out on a new journey.

    The information about Keiichiro's departure came through a tweet made by Archipel, a company that works with documentaries on YouTube where it focuses on content related to Japanese culture and Japanese content creators. As per the reported information, the creator of Silent Hill left to create a studio called Bokeh Game Studio.

    Check out Archipel's tweet below:

    Congratulations to our friends Keiichiro Toyama (Silent Hill, SIREN & Gravity Rush director), Kazunobu Sato (producer on The Last Guardian) and Junya Okura for taking a new step in their career and founding @BokehGameStudio, after many years spent at SIE.

    — Archipelago |アルシペル (@SailToArchipelago) December 3, 2020

    The departure of Keiichiro Toyama from Sony made Silent Hill fans have their hopes up, as there were rumors that a new title in the series would be released as a PlayStation 5 exclusive. However, the game developer's departure from SIE Japan doesn't completely eliminate the chances of Silent Hill being developed by Sony, Keiichiro hasn't gotten his hands on the franchise since the original title, but the chance is considerably less now.

    Since the launch of Silent Hill more than 20 years ago, the franchise has gained a large legion of admirers who are eagerly awaiting a series-related title. Unfortunately, it is not yet known where this long-awaited game will come out.

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    About Silent Hill

    Developed by Konami and created by Keiichiro Toyama, Silent Hill was originally released in 1999 for the PlayStation 1. In the year 2009, the game was made available for download on PSN from PS3 and PSP. It is a survival horror game.

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