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    League of Legends Challenging Circuit ends with ProGaming victory

    The 2019 Challenger Circuit of League of Legends, the second biggest national competition, came to an end this Saturday, 17/08, with the spectacular and disputed victory of ProGaming against Vivo Keyd. Circuitão is the qualifying championship for CBLOL, the biggest national MOBA competition, and with this victory, ProGaming (PRG) won its return to CBLOL in 2020. But Vivo Keyd (VK) still has chances to qualify with the promotion series against the CNB on 21 September.

    There were four matches to decide the champion, it was believed that there would be five, but ProGaming did not give a chance of a tie.

    League of Legends Challenging Circuit ends with ProGaming victory

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    In the first game, Vivo Keyd started ahead with a double kill in the mid lane, but the game turned in the mid game with a beautiful steal from Baron by PRG, gaining the advantage they needed to win the match.

    In the second, ProGaming was not so lucky, Vivo Keyd won the match led by NOsFerus, the midlane that was extremely strong with the same Akali from the first game, who before could not guarantee the victory of VK, but now did not fail, and even redeemed himself by contesting PRG's Baron Nashor even without the jungler. NOsFerus finished the game with ten kills.

    The next game followed the same formula with the same Akali from NOsFerus in the mid, without PRG banning it, which perhaps would have been more strategic. Many midlane kills occurred but PRG showed a broader view of the game and again secured the game on Nashor, taking an inhibitor and managing to make a second goal that secured the victory.

    The final game was from PRG. It didn't take five games, PRG suffered a little with Grell, playing Taliyah who ended the game with six kills, however, again ProGaming showed a better strategy, teamwork and vision, while in all games it seemed that the Vivo Keyd relied on a single player. Nashor went from PRG after three kills by the team and with a group control from Twisted Fate, from midlaner Hauz, essential to exploit VK's gaps.

    Finally, the game was decided in the fourth game, PRG secured its spot in next year's CBLOL and showed a beautiful work, training and group synergy.

    Remembering that on the 24th and 25th, the semi-finals of CBLOL 2019 will take place, which should give a lot to talk about too:

    Semifinal 1 - Saturday (24/08)

    13pm - Flamengo eSports x Uppercut Esports

    Semifinal 2 - Sunday (25/08)

    13pm - KaBoom! E-SPORTS x INTZ e-Sports Club

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