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    League of Legends Pre-Season 2020: 12 skins and a new champion, check it out

    League of Legends Pre-Season 2020: 12 skins and a new champion, check it out

    The 2020 pre-season of League of Legends begins now in December, with a shower of news for the game. The 2019 ranked season ended in mid-November, so whoever managed to reach the desired link, great, who didn't, in January the links restart, md10, and the cycle starts again. The end of this season was mainly marked by the release of the new LoL band, True Damage, with the right to a music video and 5 skins, for Qiyana (also with a prestige edition), Yasuo, Ekko (legendary), for the new champion Senna and for ex-KDA Akali. The winning skin of 2019 is also being distributed until December 4th for those who managed to finish the season on Gold IV or higher. Victorious Aatrox, however, displeased a large part of the community and even received some changes to his wings due to a bug with the new effects of jungle and dragons buffs.

    However, Riot Games seems to have made up for it with the release of 12 skins this December and a brand new champion, Aphelios, the most complex character yet in League of Legends.

    Emissaries of Light and Emissaries of Darkness Skins:

    The theme was introduced with the releases of two legendary for Riven and Yasuo, emissaries of light and darkness respectively. Now, Riot brings a major expansion of the already popular line with the release of a pair of legendary skins for Soraka, who in the lore of this universe is the daughter of Riven and Yasuo, thus having both light and dark forms. The two new skins will cost 1820rp, however, if you buy one of them, the second will cost 1020rp, as was the case with the last release of dual skins for Leona, the Lunar and Solar Eclipses.

    ????Splash Arts Emissaries of Darkness!????

    ????Aphelios Emissary of Darkness
    ????Lee Sin Emissary of Darkness
    ????Vladimir Emissary of Darkness
    ????Soraka Emissary of Darkness

    — League of Legends Espanha ???? #RiotNaCCXP (@LoLegendsBR) November 27, 2019

    But there are even more emissaries, Nidalee Emissary of Light and Karma Emissary of Light. Karma's skin, however, will be event limited, becoming mythical afterwards and consequently unpurchasable, only available in Hextech crafting (and with great luck). This is because the Karma skin is specifically part of a social fundraising campaign for charities. This has been done before with the Blackstar Cho'Gat skin, later also becoming mythical and limited at the end of the event.

    On the dark side, we have Lee Sin, entitled to the prestige edition (the last one of the year), Vladmir and the new champion Aphelios. Along with the release of these skins will also come the last event pass of the year, which will entitle you to obtain emblems that are necessary to acquire the Lee Sin Emissary of Darkness Prestige Edition. Other rewards available for emblems will be exclusive chromas for Riven Emissary of Light and Yasuo Emissary of Darkness.

    Sugar Frenzy Skins:

    ????Skins Sugar Frenzy coming to PBE!????
    ????Evelynn Sugar Frenzy
    ????Ziggs Sugar Frenzy
    ????Braum Sugar Frenzy
    ????Zilean Sugar Frenzy

    — League of Legends Espanha ???? #RiotNaCCXP (@LoLegendsBR) November 26, 2019

    But there are still 4 more skins, themed "Sugar Frenzy", a theme that involves sweets and confectionery. We will then have: Braum Sugar Frenzy, Evelynn Sugar Frenzy, Ziggs Sugar Frenzy, Zilean Sugar Frenzy, noting that the last Zilean skin was released in 2014, so it's a great event for those who play with the champion.

    The new champion: Aphelios, The Weapon of the Devotees

    All true power has its price.

    Upon taking the poison, Aphelios channels the voice of his sister, Alune. In return, she grants Aphelios her abilities: five moonstone weapons for him to master.
    Meet Aphelios, the Weapon of Devotees:

    — League of Legends Espanha ???? #RiotNaCCXP (@LoLegendsBR) November 25, 2019

    Aphelios enters LoL with the promise of being the most complex champion in the game so far. It's an AD Carry with 5 different weapons, each with a passive, an active Q skill and a different interaction with your Ultimate. The champion in turn simply has no skill in E. Its mechanics requires a lot of study and is even difficult to explain, but it can be checked here.

    There is also one more addition to the Gem store, Swain Hextech comes to the game. Remembering that all skins and even the new champion are now available for testing on the PBE, LoL's beta server, and will arrive on the main server in patch 9.24, in mid-December. It is also worth noting that new effects are also available for Lux and Diana, the latter being accompanied by a mini rework of skills. Diana's Ultimate is now located on her E, with reduced AP scaling, while her E has been moved to her Ultimate's place, dealing damage and slowing. In short, Diana had her early game strengthened and her damage potential increased, especially in teamfights.

    ⚙️Splash art de Swain Hextec!⚙️
    This is one of the exclusive skins that can be obtained by exchanging 10 Gems in the "Mythic Craft" area, which is inside the Loot tab!
    Take advantage of the Great Essence Market to secure some.????

    — League of Legends Espanha ???? #RiotNaCCXP (@LoLegendsBR) November 28, 2019
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