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    Media Controllers for Xbox Series X/S Launched by 8BitDo

    Retro peripheral maker 8BitDo is famous for its wireless controllers inspired by old video games. However, its latest release does not follow this line and uses a modern design. This is the media remote for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, an accessory officially licensed by Microsoft.

    There are two variations of remote control, a larger one that has a numeric keypad and a more compact one that has only the most basic buttons. The smaller control is sold in white color while the larger one is in black color. Check out an image with more details of the controls below.

    Media Controllers for Xbox Series X/S Launched by 8BitDo

    Media Controllers for Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One by 8BitDo. Source: 8BitDo
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    Even though there are differences in size, there are several commonalities between the larger and smaller media controller, such as the dedicated Home button that allows you to turn on your Xbox. There are also controls for both media playback and navigation, as well as a set of A, B, X and Y buttons.

    Media Controllers for Xbox Series X/S Launched by 8BitDo

    Long media controller for Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One by 8BitDo. Source: 8BitDo

    It is interesting to note that the controls require two AAA batteries, but luckily they come already inside the product box. An interesting point of these accessories is the fact that their buttons have backlight.

    Launch and availability

    8BitDo's Xbox media controllers are now available for pre-order on Amazon for $19,99 and $24,99 for the short and long versions, respectively. Shipping is scheduled for September 15, 2021.

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