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    Meet the 1st customer to get a PS5. He was the 1st to get a PS4 too!

    In 2013 the Playstation 4 was released and at the time there was a launch event in New York where Joey Chiu was the first to buy the Playstation 4. This fact was reported by Kotaku at the time, but Joey showed everyone that he was a big fan of the Playstation 4. Sony consoles and managed to once again be first in line to get the PS2016 Pro in 5. Now, much to the Playstation fan's surprise, Sony has sent him a PSXNUMX!

    On the box of Sony's next-generation console, Playstation 5, it said:

    "Patience is a virtue, that's for you."

    Meet the 1st customer to get a PS5. He was the 1st to get a PS4 too!

    Box Joey Chiu received when he won Sony's PS5. Source: Twitter

    The funny story of the 1st to buy the PS4 during the launch event

    In the year 2013, when Joey bought his Playstation 4, it turned out to be a rather funny fact, as he only wanted a PS4 and had no intentions of being the first to buy it. It all started when Joey saw the announcement on Twitter that there would be a place for people to line up for the console launch event at The Starndard Hotel in Manhattan. As the place was approximately 1 hour from his house, Joey walked with his thermos to the place where the event would be.

    When Joey arrived at the location where the PS4 launch event was to take place, he noticed that there were people standing at the entrance of the hotel and he was dismayed. However, then he realized that in fact the people who were standing there were women who were going to work at the event and not to buy the PS4. However, the next day, before the event took place at midnight, Joey had classes to attend, which is when he was already prepared to give up his seat as there was no colleague with him to hold the seat, but miraculously the staff of the Sony said they would save the place for him! (this is what happened later)

    Meet the 1st customer to get a PS5. He was the 1st to get a PS4 too!

    Joey Chiu receiving the PS4 at the launch event in New York. Source: Kotaku

    The surprise of receiving the Playstation 5

    After this happened, Joey Chiu still managed to be the first again when he bought his PS4 Pro and now, this Tuesday (10), two days before the official launch of Sony's next generation console, the Playstation fan won a PS5 from Sony. Sony. Soon after receiving the Playstation 5, Joey posted on Twitter demonstrating his surprise and happiness.

    Okay, this is 100% the craziest thing to happen.

    I swear. This issssss insane.@PlayStation #PlayStation5

    — Joey Chiu (@Shinogu) November 10, 2020

    Launch and availability

    The Playstation 5 is launching today in the US, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. However, unfortunately Spain and the rest of the world will only have access to the console on November 19th.

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