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    Metal Gear Solid 3 remake may have been confirmed by a Virtuos employee

    Apparently, Chinese studio Virtuos is working on an "unannounced action-adventure remake of a AAA game". The information came after the news from the VGC website about the development of games related to the Metal Gear Solid franchise. According to a website reader (Faizan Shaikh), Virtuos lead programmer Zhiyang Li mentioned on Linkedin that he has been working on the title since October 2018.

    It was said on Linkedin that the remake will feature "AAA game quality art", as well as 4K graphics and "set piece destruction". It is also said that the game will be made available for several platforms.

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater may be or remake mentioned

    The VGC even reported late last month that the Virtuos studio would be working on a new version of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The work mentioned by Zhiyang Li is believed to be related to the game's development.

    So Virtuos Studios Working on Remake According to this LinkedIn Profile, Probably Metal Gear Solid 3... Previously It's been reported by @AndyPlaytonic.
    - AAA Action Adventure Remake
    - Looks like Ground up Remake
    - 4k For Certain Platform@bogorad222

    — Faizan Shaikh (@FaizShaikh7681) October 10, 2021

    Metal Gear Solid 3 remake may have been confirmed by a Virtuos employee

    Linkedin screenshot. Source: Faizan Shaikh (Twitter)
    Metal Gear, Castlevania and Silent Hill will get new remasters and sequels

    About Virtuos Studio

    Founded in 2004, Virtuos is one of the largest game developers in the world and is focused on helping to develop great AAA titles or bringing existing games to new platforms. Recently the developer worked on the port of Dark Souls Remastered, The Outer Worlds and The BioShock Collection for Nintendo Switch. In addition, the company contributes to the development of hits such as Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn.

    Konami starts to change the way it handles the development of its main franchises

    Konami's Japanese directors are known historically for being resistant to outsourcing the development of their major franchises. However, after the disappointing performance of Metal Gear Survive and Contra: Rogue Corps, sources at the VGC website say that the company appears to be more willing to hire outside studios to work on its main game series.

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