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    Metal Slug: Awakening: SNK says PS4 and PS5 ad is fake

    Metal Slug: Awakening: SNK says PS4 and PS5 ad is fake

    Metal Slug: Awakening for PS5 and PS4 gained publicity on several sites on the internet. However, a notice was published by the official profile of SNK Global, the studio responsible for the game, saying that the announcement of new platforms for the game was not official and it is fake news.

    SNK's official Twitter profile posted a notice saying that the announcement of the arrival of Metal Slug: Awakening for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 was false. The company adds by telling fans of its games to be careful what they read on the internet. Check out the tweet below.

    METAL SLUG: AWAKENING was announced by an unofficial account.
    This news is fake, so please be careful what you read online.#SNK

    — SNK GLOBAL (@SNKPofficial) February 14, 2022

    "METAL SLUG: AWAKENING was announced by an unofficial account.
    This news is fake, so be careful what you read online."

    SNK brings back the Neo Geo; 90s handheld video game

    Image of the fake ad published by several sites as real news. Source: SNK Global (Twitter)

    About Metal Slug and its Awakening version

    Originally released in 1996, Metal Slug was created by the Nazca Corporation studio before merging with SNK. It's a third-person arcade-type game where the character runs and shoots across the stage.

    Metal Slug: Awakening is a mobile version of the game developed by TiMi Studios for Android and iOS phones. Its beta version was released in June 2021 and its release is scheduled for June 2022.

    Image with scene from the game Metal Slug: Awakening. Source: SNK Global

    What do you think about the possibility that in the future Metal Slug: Awakening will be released for Sony consoles? Although it is not true now, it could be that the title appears later on the platforms. Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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