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    Microsoft and Sony will be able to count on a shared environment of games

      Microsoft has been trying to convince Sony to develop a crossplatform environment for the two companies' console owners.

      The information came from Aaron Greenberg, director of marketing for Xbox. In an interview with GameReactor, he stated that this is a topic that focuses on the consumer experience and where the industry is heading.

      "We're talking to Sony. We've already worked with them on Minecraft and of course we'd like to allow them to participate in this community and bring players together. We hope they support that," he said.

      Microsoft and Sony will be able to count on a shared environment of games

      Xbox and Playstation together for the sake of gamers?

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      According to Gizmodo, it can be quite difficult to convince Sony and embark on an open initiative, as the console sells nearly twice as much as Microsoft. For comparison, the PlayStation 4 has sold around 60,4 million units, while the Xbox One has sold 33 million consoles.

      Sony's director of sales and marketing, Jim Ryan, told Eurogamer in June that the company is open to any developer who wants to discuss the topic. However, as this is a commercial issue, shareholder approval is required for negotiations to proceed.

      Shareholders, seeing the PS4 having a good sales result, would hardly approve of a change, as the attitude would also open up possibilities for consumers to migrate to Xbox.

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