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    Microsoft announces major changes to the Xbox Game Pass system

    Microsoft announces major changes to the Xbox Game Pass system

    Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold memberships are undergoing some major changes. The report came through the ComicBook website, where it says that Microsoft will now start contacting Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold subscribers who have the annual plan (12 months) to offer the option to cancel the contract and request a proportionate refund. Previously, it was not possible to unsubscribe from these Xbox services in this way.

    To avoid situations such as, for example, "forgetting" a subscription or practically not using the service, Microsoft is contacting you offering the option to cancel. This type of situation is really common and it is likely that many Netflix and Amazon Prime subscribers, for example, are in this way.

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    Who will be contacted by Microsoft?

    Exactly how long it takes to be "inactive" on Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Live Gold is not known for Microsoft to contact you. In any case, Microsoft says it will work on better ways to alert users to changes and possibilities in their subscriptions.

    Microsoft will do more to provide alerts on auto-renewal policies, show you how to turn off auto-renewal, and explain how refunds can be given after an accidental auto-renew. This comes at the same time that there is pressure from the UK Competition and Markets Authority, which is carrying out an investigation into Xbox, Nintendo and PlayStation's auto-renewal policies.

    What do you think of the action taken by Microsoft towards its Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold subscriptions? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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