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    Minimum requirements to run Death Stranding on PC

    Minimum requirements to run Death Stranding on PC

    A highly anticipated game in 2019, Death Stranding was released in November last year for Playstation 4. However, its PC version is arriving on July 14 of this year, distributed by 505 Games, the same distributor of the PC version of Control. Developed by Kojima Productions, Hideo Kojima's own developer created after breaking away from Konami and originally published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, Death Stranding is now on Steam for pre-order for R$ 239,00.

    But will the highly rated work by Hideo Kojima and featuring actor Norman Reedus (famous for the character Daryl in The Walking Dead) run on your PC? The hardware recommendations are medium to high, so even with a distance to launch, it's best to know the minimum and recommended requirements before planning a purchase or even pre-purchasing the game for PC. The official requirements were released by Kojima Productions on June 16th, check it out:

    Death Stranding: Minimum requirements to run on PC

    Officers to 30 fps

    • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
    • RAM: 8GB
    • HDD: 80GB
    • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 560 4GB ou NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 3GB
    • OS: Windows 7 64 bit
    • DirectX: 12
    • 720p screen resolution

    Death Stranding: Recommended requirements to run on PC

    Officers to 60 fps

    • CPU: Intel Core i7 3770 ou AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • RAM: 8GB
    • HDD: 80GB
    • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 590 ou NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    • OS: Windows 10
    • DirectX: 12
    • 720p screen resolution

    As these requirements are for a game not yet released, there is no certainty of all the negative impacts of running the game at a minimum, but these requirements are for a resolution of 1280x720p and an average of 30fps, already considering the low/medium graphics settings. .

    O game:

    The story revolves around Sam Porter Bridges' journey from the East Coast to the West Coast of the USA, completely destroyed by the mysterious event called Death Stranding. Then there are creatures called EPs, which come out into the world during heavy supernatural rains that cause everything the water touches to age decades quickly. The Death Stranding event caused the world of the living and the dead to come into something of a collision. Faced with all this, the rest of humanity takes refuge in large cities or shelters, and it is through people like the protagonist Sam, couriers, that the rest of the population is able to receive basic items to survive.

    If you want to know more about the game and if you're not sure if it's worth buying or not, check out our Death Stranding Review below:

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