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    More realistic Pokémon Go capture system

    A new update on the iOS system will provide Pokémon Go with AR+ mode. This will make the game look even more realistic, bringing modifications to the monsters' capture strategy. Thus, it will be possible to scare wild Pokémon, have a sense of scale, among other options, through the cell phone camera.


    From the update that should arrive soon, wild Pokémon will have a sense of perception, which makes the player more careful when approaching, with smooth movements, so as not to scare the little creature. To aid the player, a measurement bar will be shown showing the little monster's perception level. With this, if you manage to capture it, you will receive an experience bonus. In addition, it will be possible to touch small grasses in order to scare the little creatures that are hidden.

    More realistic Pokémon Go capture system

    The pets will perceive the presence of the player

    Sense of Scale

    Through the sense of scale, the producer details that the game will allow you to get closer to Pokémon Go to get a true impression of what its size is like in the real world. In this way, the little creatures will be present in a larger size so that the player can have the experience about their real size, thus being able to get better photos of the animals when they are in augmented reality.

    More realistic Pokémon Go capture system

    more realistic creatures


    The Bonus granted with the captures will be defined according to each situation, therefore, it will be imposed on the score that each user receives in XP for their character and in stardust, used to strengthen Pokémons.

    However, it is worth noting that this AR+ option is optional, that is, the player can choose to play Pokémon Go with the option on or not. However, those who take advantage of the possibility will be able to count on many benefits.


    Firstly, the upgrade will only be available to those who have an iPhone 6S or later model with iOS 11, that is, Apple devices. Niantic did not reveal when the news will reach other smartphones.

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