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    No PS5! Phil Spencer confirms Elder Scrolls VI as an Xbox exclusive

    No PS5! Phil Spencer confirms Elder Scrolls VI as an Xbox exclusive

    After Microsoft acquired Bethesda, debates about the possible exclusivity of future titles by the company have become commonplace. brand owner like Fallout e The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda could significantly strengthen the Xbox exclusive lineup, while Sony's consoles could suffer huge losses. Starfield, Bethesda's next major release, has been confirmed as Xbox exclusive on consoles, which served as a warning about what the future will present players.

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    Phil Spencer talks about TES VI exclusivity

    Now Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, commented on the exclusivity issue during an interview with GQ magazine. Spencer pretty much confirmed that Bethesda's upcoming games will follow the same path as Starfield, becoming Xbox exclusives on consoles.

    The Xbox boss even stated that it's not about "punish no platform", as he believes that they all continue to grow. However, Spencer wants the "complete package"for Xbox.

    "To be on Xbox, I want to bring the complete package that we have. And that would be true when I think about The Elder Scrolls 6. That would be true when I think about any of our franchises."

    It is worth remembering that when talking about the "complete package", Phil Spencer is referring to the consoles Xbox, Game Pass, Xbox Live e xCloud, that is, the entire ecosystem that currently makes the Xbox brand extremely strong and constantly growing worldwide.

    The Elder Scrolls VI

    Most likely an Xbox exclusive, TES VI won't be released anytime soon. Recently, Todd Howard commented on the title's delay, stating that other projects delayed the next game in the franchise.

    "I wish I could wave a magic wand to just launch the game we want. Absolutely. But there are other things we want to do, right? Obviously Fallout 4 was a huge success, we spent a lot of time on that. We wanted to go online with Fallout 76." "

    On the delay in launching TES VI last week, Howard even quoted Starfield as one of the main reasons that cause the extension of this waiting period.

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