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    Nobuo Uematsu, Composer of Music for Final Fantasy, May Have Created His Last Great Work

    According to a longtime partner (also creator of Final Fantasy Hironobu) of Nobuo Uematsu, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the soundtrack for Fantasian, an Apple Arcade exclusive game, could be the last creation of the great composer. Nobuo was responsible for the Original Soundtracks (OSTs) for games like Chrono Trigger, Lost Odyssey and The Last Story, but it is likely that he will now continue his work with singles only due to health issues. The information came through the Mobile Syrup website that interviewed Hironobu.

    O criador de Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, diz:

    "Before I approached him to work on Fantasian, he was experiencing some health issues and there were doubts as to whether he would be able to compose everything or if it would even be possible for him to work on it."

    Fortunately, despite his health problems, Nobuo managed to compose the soundtrack for Fantasian, creating 60 tracks for the game. Hironobu says:

    "I think he hinted that Fantasian is perhaps the last game he does end-to-end in terms of scoring an entire soundtrack."

    Nobuo Uematsu, Composer of Music for Final Fantasy, May Have Created His Last Great Work

    Hironobu Sakaguchi (esquerda) e Nobuo Uematsu (direita). Fonte: EDAMAME Arcade Channel (YouTube)
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    Hironobu adds that while Nobuo Uematsu continues to compose singles for games, Fantasian "may be his last great work".

    Hironobu says that Nobuo has revealed positively about the creation of Fantasian.

    "On a positive note, he poured his heart and soul into [Fantasian]. For me, when I heard that, it almost made me cry a little bit because it was such a huge moment in our careers."

    Check out the Fantasian trailer below:

    Nobuo has been working with Hironobu for just 35 years. They started their career as a duo at Square since the 2000s. Afterwards, the friends went to work at Hironobu's own studio, the Mistwalker.

    Nobuo has had many of his works presented at events

    Nobuo's game music compositions have been performed at various music events over the years. In 2013, the composer was inducted into the Classic FM Hall of Fame.

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