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    [Overwatch 2] Character Lucio appears in the image of the new game, which may have a map in Rio

      Some time ago there were rumors that the game Overwatch, developed by Blizzard, would get a sequel and it seems, the rumors were real. The ESPN website had access to what alleged game developer's manual, which contains information about the title and even images of what's to come. According to the team of journalists, the game's producer is using the material to educate its employees about the new game, which will be one of the main points of the BlizzCon 2019 event, which will take place this weekend (November 1).

      According to the image revealed by ESPN, we can see that the new game will be called Overwatch 2 and shows in its art the Spanish character named Lúcio. Apparently, according to speculation about the new title, the game will have a demonstration during BlizzCon 2019 using a map based in Rio de Janeiro, where four players will be selected for a PvE experience.

      Another point mentioned by the sports website is the implementation of cooperative gameplay in the game, as currently the game focuses on online multiplayer where there is combat between teams and seasonal events. In addition, the material obtained by ESPN shows us a new mode called Push, which will have a new map based on the city of Toronto, Canada.

      [Overwatch 2] Character Lucio appears in the image of the new game, which may have a map in Rio

      Image revealed by ESPN

      But the news doesn't stop there, according to ESPN the information obtained by its team also shows the emergence of a new character called Echo.

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      Source: ESPN

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