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    Overwatch: Experimental mode tests buffs and nerfs on your heroes

    Overwatch: Experimental mode tests buffs and nerfs on your heroes

    Hoping to further balance the game, Blizzard is once again experimenting with new changes to Overwatch's experimental mode.

    Particularly, the changes affect the characters Genji, Hanzo, Echo and Moira. Here are possible changes to live servers coming soon.


    The changes hope to make Genji a viable choice again. Some of the nerfs include a shuriken damage increase from 28 to 30 and its secondary fire spread reduced from 12 to 9.

    Perhaps the biggest change made to Genji is with regard to his dodge ability. In addition to a duration increase from 1,5 to 2 seconds, the bypass can now be canceled automatically.


    In January, Hanzo was nerfed to reduce damage from his Storm Arrow skill. Since they were implemented, the changes have made Hanzo a less viable hero to play with.

    Changes being tested in experimental mode will reverse the nerf. Storm Arrow's damage will now be back to 70 after dropping from 60. This change hopes to put Hanzo on par with Ashe in terms of burst damage in Overwatch.


    For Echo, its focusing beam distance has been changed from 20 to 16 meters. While the change may be small, it will be a significant nerf as it will force players using the Echo character to use the skill more wisely.

    It is currently one of the most damaging skills in the game, and with the changes, more skill will be required to be effective.


    Moira received a nerf to her primary abilities. Her Biotic Grasp has now increased healing from 65 to 70. If players use Biotic Grasp to deal damage, players will feel a slight decrease as it has been reduced from 50 to 40.

    One of the biggest issues players have with Moira is that players use her to deal damage instead of healing. As a support hero, Moira has always been intent on healing.

    These new experimental mode changes are now available in Overwatch. If players like how the game will look with these changes, they will likely stay in the game indefinitely.

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