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    Paladins is yet another game that will receive a Battle Royale mode

      Another online shooter will receive a Battle Royale mode in 2018, and this time it's Paladins. Other games have already been speculated with these game modes, but have not yet been confirmed. Paladins, on the other hand, even has a name for its version, which will be called Battlegrounds.

      The studio Hi-Rez, responsible for the game, announced that Paladins: Battleground will be free, just like the original game, in this mode 100 players will be spread across a large map and will face each other in 20-minute matches. In matches, teams will fight while using supplies hidden in dozens of control points and legendary items thrown by zeppelins. The team that survives wins.

      Also according to Hi-Rez, Paladins: Battleground was "designed from the ground up to be played in teams", keeping the same team formation scheme based on the standard Paladins classes, being able to use mounts as well. The new mode was presented this Thursday (4) at the Hi-Rez Expo 2018 event, which takes place in Atlanta (USA), but dates for its debut have not yet been announced.

      At the event, Hi-Rez released other news for the game, which arrive on January 10 for PC and on January 17 on consoles, these updates arrive before the Battle Royale mode.

      Among the new features arriving in this update are the Team Deathmatch mode, a new map called the Trade District, a new character called Moji and the Battle Cats mount. As the name suggests, Team Deathmatch is a mode where the only objective is to eliminate enemy heroes. Moji will be the thirty-fifth hero of Paladins, he is a Flank, who uses a two-headed dragon, member of the new Leipori race, Moji is a small hero, and therefore difficult to hit, will be a great flank. The new mount, the "battle cat" is the Primal Prowler and will only be available to subscribers of the Twitch Prime service.

      Paladins is yet another game that will receive a Battle Royale mode

      The "battle royale" fever reached several other games, influenced by PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which was an extreme success in 2017, breaking all Steam records, reaching the unprecedented mark of three million players simultaneously.

      Paladins is yet another game that will receive a Battle Royale mode

      In September of last year, the game Fortnite also entered the concept of Battle Royale, incorporating the construction element to the genre, but with a formula very similar to the one that was successful in PUBG. Something that even PUBG Corp. did. (Bluehole's new name) to comment on the similarities between the two games.

      "After listening to the growing feedback from our community and looking at the gameplay through our eyes, we are concerned that Fortnite may be replicating the experience PUBG is known for," was the statement given at the time by PUBG Corp's vice president, Chang Han Kim.

      Although the friction has not extended, we don't know if Paladins: Battleground will also incorporate the successful elements of PUBG into its "battle royale". Not long ago Brendar 'PlayerUnknown' Greene, creator of PUBG, criticized the current fever of battle royale games and called for more respect and protection of copyright in the gaming industry.

      "I want other developers to bring their own twists to the genre… not just take things from our game. If they just copy, then the genre doesn't grow and people get bored," stated Greene.

      Paladins has recently gone through another controversy, which involved the last update, in it, the changes to the Cards Unbound system, was harshly criticized by the Paladins community, which pointed out many similarities with the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 loot box system.

      Well, until we know if Paladins: Battleground will be a copy of PUBG or not, there's still some time left, what we have left until then is to wait, and enjoy the new update that comes out on January 10th. But tell me, what's your opinion on this, is it already getting boring so many games like battle royale mode, or can this mode help give some games that only have traditional modes up?

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