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    Plague Inc is creating a game mode that lets you save the world from a virus instead of spreading it

      Plague Inc is creating a game mode that lets you save the world from a virus instead of spreading it

      In February, Plague Inc was banned by the Cyberspace Administration of China during the coronavirus outbreak in the country. While the government never confirmed a reason to ban the game, it was pretty clear that the country's government was not a fan of a game where infecting the world with a virus is the goal.

      Well, in response to these events, Ndemic Creations has announced that a new game mode+ is being created for Plague Inc. This time you'll be able to save the world from a virus instead of being tasked with infecting it.

      It seems that the idea of ​​reversing Plague Inc's gameplay came about when the studio was organizing donations to help with the coronavirus outbreak. In total, Ndemic Creations donated $250.000 to the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

      It seems like this donation is the main focus of today's announcement, but it's clear that the mention of a new mode for an eight-year-old game is exactly the sort of thing that should interest the public.

      So while we still don't know when this new "save the world" mode will arrive, what we do know is that players will be able to take control of the world's governments during a global pandemic in order to manage the progression of the disease, increasing healthcare systems. , taking measures such as self-quarantine, public service closures, and social distancing should also appear as a representation of real-world events.

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      Ndemic Creations has already stated that Plague Inc's planned world-saving update will come to the game for free and that more information will be offered at a later date.

      So at the very least, everyone should be able to jump into the new mode as soon as it arrives, but if you want to play the old mode where infecting the world with a deadly virus is the goal, you can install the current version from Plague Inc.

      It may seem strange to play this type of game in the midst of a viral pandemic, but there can be a certain positive point with the arrival of this new game mode.

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