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    PlayStation 5 is the biggest release of a console

    PlayStation 5 is the biggest release of a console

    Less than a month after it finally became available to gamers, the PlayStation 5 has become the biggest console launch in Sony's history. As the company itself disclosed in its Twitter, the fifth console of the PlayStation surpassed all its predecessors in the sales of the first weeks. The demand is so high that a part of the public is not able to make the purchase, as the PS5 ends up running out of stock quickly.

    In its post on Twitter, Sony reported the broken record and took the opportunity to thank the fans, as well as saying that a new stock of the PlayStation 5 will arrive at retailers in 2020.

    "We want to thank gamers everywhere for making the PS5 launch our biggest console launch ever. Demand for the PS5 is unprecedented, so we wanted to confirm that more units will be hitting retailers before the end of the year - stay tuned! attentive to local retailers"

    Biggest launch in the history of the industry

    The PlayStation 5 was not only superior to its predecessors, but also surpassed all other consoles including the competition, becoming the biggest launch in history.

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    In its first two weeks, the PlayStation 4 achieved total sales of 2,1 million units. Such a mark was considered a great achievement by Sony as it was a record for the industry at large. At the time, analysts at DFC Intelligence claimed that the PS4 had become the biggest release for a console. Nowadays, the Playstation 4 already exceeds 100 million units acquired by players.

    The current sales mark for the PlayStation 5 was not disclosed, but with what we know about its predecessor, it is possible to say that at least 2,2 million units were sold, which must be a guess well below the exact number of units sold. according to high demand. As no other video game has appeared to break the PS4's record, the PS5 is also the biggest release in the industry overall.

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