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    PlayStation Plus: Game Launch May Be on October's List! check out

    PlayStation Plus: Game Launch May Be on October's List! check out

    We are still in the middle of September, but one of the October PlayStation Plus games may have already been revealed. This time, we didn't have any kind of leak, but fans noticed something that could indicate one of the titles that will be offered to service subscribers.

    The title Hell Let Loose, developed by Black matter and published by Team17, has already been pre-ordered on Xbox consoles. However, on the PlayStation Store, it still can't buy the game, allowing players to add it to their wishlist.

    Sony revealed! Check out June's PS Plus games

    Hell Let Loose on PlayStation Plus

    After the fact was noticed by several players, many fans began to believe that this may be an indication that the game will be offered on PS Plus next month. Therefore, the pre-sale not being available would be Sony to prevent players from purchasing the game before the announcement of the free titles, which would certainly cause controversy.

    It is worth remembering that the game will be released on October 4 day, that is, at the beginning of the month, which is precisely the period in which PlayStation Plus games are released for redemption and download.

    Hell Let Loose wouldn't be the first release coming straight to PS Plus. Titles like Oddworld soulstorm e AllStars Destruction have already arrived on the service being new games on the market.

    However, for now the matter it's just a rumor. Developers have yet to comment on this, just as Sony has not confirmed or denied that Hell Let Loose will be offered to subscribers in the month of October.

    Pre orders are not opened on ps5 but there is a coming soon page, it could be part of ps plus October 2021

    — Bluebelt2023 (@bluebelt2023) September 13, 2021

    "Pre-orders are not available on PS5, but there is a 'coming soon' page. Could be part of October's PlayStation Plus."

    Hell Let Loose

    Now available on PC, Hell Let Loose will arrive on PlayStation as yet another war game. the title in first person focuses on multiplayer, offering tactical matches that can be decided with each player's strategy.

    Would you like Hell Let Loose on PS Plus? Stay tuned to Techlifers for more news about Sony's service and gaming in general!

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