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    PlayStation Store is suspended indefinitely in China

      PlayStation Store is suspended indefinitely in China

      Recently Sony decided to suspend the Playstation Store in China with no date for return. According to the company's official account on the Chinese social network Weibo, the reason for the withdrawal was a "security update".

      "PlayStation Store (PSN) has been temporarily suspended in mainland China as of 7 am on May 10. There is no date or time for services to resume.

      The official reason given is to perform security updates. But it's unclear what that means exactly."

      The PlayStation Store (PSN) has been temporarily suspended in Mainland China from 7am on May 10. No time or date given for resumption of services.

      The official reason given is to carry out security upgrades. But it is unclear what this means exactly.

      — Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) May 10, 2020

      Daniel Ahmad, an analyst in the field, said that "an Xbox fanboy said on Weibo that he reported backdoor elements to authorities that can be easily accessed to switch content to those available abroad." Soon after, the PS Store went offline.

      Sony declined to talk about the backdoor hackers, who were acting to allow Chinese to access and download content unlicensed for the country in the region, thus leading to the closure of the PS Store in Spain.

      According to the Reuters website:

      "Some vendors were offering to break PlayStation Store restrictions in China for a fee of less than $5 on e-commerce platforms."

      Currently, both foreign and domestic game publishers need a license from content regulators to launch their platforms and digital content in China. As a result, only 13 games were entered into the Chinese Playstation Store last year. This caused PS4 fans to get frustrated and look for other alternatives to buy popular titles.

      At a time like this, where everyone is in their homes due to the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), it was a "shot in the foot". Instead of helping gamers, the population, the Chinese government and Sony are doing the opposite. Several game developers and distributors of digital games are doing their best to provide a distraction from this difficult situation that everyone is going through, and this should be adopted by everyone in my opinion.

      What do you think of this situation that Chinese players are going through? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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