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    PlayStation Store (PSN) Finally Implements a Highly Requested Feature

      Finally, Playstation Plus subscribers will be able to access the games they previously purchased for free through their subscriptions. Previously, Sony came to distribute more than 650 titles for the PS3 as of the year 2010, but PS Plus users were unable to access games outside of the subscription. Now, according to reports, it will be possible to access purchased games even if the person is not subscribing to PS Plus.

      While Xbox 360 users could access their games on Xbox One without having to subscribe to the Game Pass service offered by Microsoft, Sony users did not have that possibility. But now, it has been said on Reddit, by user Sh3Si and other players, that Sony has fixed this error. PS4 owners said that the PSN pages now show three different options for games that support Playstation Plus, check them out below:

      PlayStation Store (PSN) Finally Implements a Highly Requested Feature

      New options for Playstation Store (PSN) games. Source: Reddit

      It is interesting to note that the web platform (through browsers such as Chrome and Firefox), the Playstation Store (PSN) still does not support the changes mentioned above, only on the console it is possible to access the changes made by Sony.

      Unfortunately it is clear that Microsoft is ahead when it comes to providing a good customer experience in terms of services and interface on consoles. Even if Sony has good games, it has to be admitted that Sony still needs to improve a lot to reach the same level as its competitor. Now, with the emergence of xCloud and the new Game Pass, it will be even more difficult for the Japanese to "make up for lost time", but there is still hope that everything will get better.

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