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    Pokémon GO event in Japan had Mewtwo

      During an event held by Niantic in the city of Yokohama, Japan, the psychic character Mewtwo began to appear for Pokémon GO players.

      The character is considered one of the strongest in the series and the original games, his capture dynamics are similar to those of Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno. He has a very high power and has even stronger blows, which makes many players unite to face him. Therefore, those who manage to defeat him will have the chance to capture them with the use of balls and special candies.

      Pokémon GO event in Japan had Mewtwo

      Mewtow appears in Pokémon Go at Niantic event

      However, Mewtwo does not appear on the streets, it can only be found in gyms, and has a maximum CP of 3982, which can vary by a few hundred points of strength according to the numbers of its spawn, but always remaining as one of the characters. strongest in the game.

      Players to fight him will need a Raid Pass, obtained daily from Pokéstops in gyms around the world. The Pokémon can also be used in combat in such places, but it cannot be placed as one of the defenders of the place.

      Pokémon GO event in Japan had Mewtwo

      Deadline for birds to appear will be extended by the developer

      Mewtwo had not been confirmed by the developer and appeared as a surprise to players, the company would only have confirmed that the event in Japan would bring new surprises for trainers. At the event, the developer announced to the public that Mewtwo should appear in special raids in the coming weeks.

      Niantic in celebration of the success of the Legendary Raids announced that the deadline for the appearance of the birds will be extended. So, until 17:14 this Monday (31), Zapdos should be the only one to appear in the gyms. However, until August XNUMXst and after, all characters must appear in the same way and can be captured.


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