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    Pokemon Go may get paid service with subscription

      Pokemon Go may get paid service with subscription

      Recently, a dataminer revealed that Pokemon Go may have a subscription service soon. The information came through Reddit, where a detailed report was published after analyzing the source code of the latest version of the Pokemon Go APK.

      Much of the information uncovered was about Mega Evolutions, such as that the project to implement them was underway before remote and sticker raids and that Megas will have their own Raid level. In addition, it has also been said that there will be a new type of missions that will be dedicated specifically to Mega Evolutions and battlegroups saved on the server.

      The new missions mentioned above will reward Mega Energy, which is identified as candy in the source code. However, the part that caught the most attention was the part about the possible implementation of a subscription service for Pokemon Go. In the Reddit post it was said:

      "We saw hints about a subscription service a long time ago, but now, as part of the Store section, a subscription category has been added to this release."

      There are several speculations about the signature issue. Some say it's a false signal, others already believe it refers to an integration between Pokemon Go and Pokemon Home. There are also those who believe that the coming of signatures can cause several errors to be corrected, but this can bring about blocking of items and missions.

      With this change in Pokemon Go, there is also the possibility of mid-game advertisements forcing players to pay for the subscription. However, despite all the speculation, we have to take this information a little skeptically and wait and see what actually happens.

      What did you think of this possibility in Pokemon Go? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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