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    PUBG Mobile makes a donation to help Amazonas in the fight against Covid-19

    PUBG Mobile makes a donation to help Amazonas in the fight against Covid-19

    It is common knowledge that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the entire world in a terrible way. Here in Spain, things are no different and unfortunately the country has been going through a difficult time. Amazonas, especially the capital Manaus, has been the center of attention in recent days, with the new collapse in the health system that made the situation in the state even worse and there was no more oxygen for patients. Many personalities are willing to help the state at this difficult time, offering donations and even encouraging the public to collaborate. Now, PUBG Mobile also wanted to offer assistance in treating patients.

    Today, PUBG Mobile announced the donation of R$ 163.000,00 to the BorAjudar institution, seeking to offer support to Amazonas at this time of oxygen shortage in state hospitals. The complicated situation began in early January.

    The BorAjudar institution is coordinated by Gustavo Melo Medeiros and has the mission of transforming lives. BorAJUDAR has been offering assistance to Amazonas for some time, starting in 2017 and since then working in social projects.

    Check out Gustavo Melo Medeiros' words about the support BorAJUDAR has received.

    "I would like to thank everyone who is helping, sharing. Let's make this action reach as many people as possible. Manaus needs your help"

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    More support

    In addition to the support that came from PUBG Mobile itself, another name linked to the free to play title also decided to offer assistance. Netenho, a streamer who plays the battle royale, donated BRL 35 to Instituto Ágape to help purchase oxygen cylinders. The streamer managed to raise BRL 20 from donations from his fans during a livestream. In addition, Pichau, a gamer store, offered BRL 10 to the cause, while the streamer paid BRL 5.

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