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    PUBG reveals roadmap with news for 2018

      After two years of work and two more months of planning, PUBG (Players Unkonwn's Battlegrounds) has published on its website a complete plan for the year 2018. Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene is responsible for showing some details of what's to come, but it warns that everything is subject to change and that the purpose of the publication of the plan is to receive the contribution of the players for the evolution of the BattleRoyale game.

      The first of the news is the implementation of a new island map with a size of 4x4m that will be released on the Experimental Test Server. The reduced map proposal is for the characters to have a more intense and faster experience, revealing the density of players and those with a "short fuse".

      PUBG reveals roadmap with news for 2018

      4x4 map that promises a more intense experience.

      The new emote system is also expected to arrive on the test server. The corporation intends to expand the range of emotes year-round, and wants players to always give their feedback. Regarding the game's design, Greene confesses that he is working hard with the team, planning new and interesting game modes for PUBG, but that it is still in the beginning of the development of the details and so there is still no way to show any evolution.

      What he can say is being done, are the new vehicles, weaponry and weapon attachments, objects that will be added in the first half of the year. One of the new weapons is the 7.62, which will soon arrive on the test server.

      PUBG reveals roadmap with news for 2018

      One of the new weapons that will be introduced in the game.

      There are more things ready to be tested, such as achievements, in-game friends list, voice chat in the main menu, bullet penetration into body parts and vehicles, and character customization, which will later gain face masks. parachutes and some weapons. In addition, the animation system will be completely redone, both for the first and third person.

      In the roadmap, in addition to the revelations of news and the work being done, Greene comments that stability, optimization and security are PUBG's highest priority. He highlights: "We have not forgotten our primary responsibility to our players - to provide a stable, smooth and safe environment to enjoy an excellent Battle Royale experience."

      And more: "We continue our daily work to fight fraudsters, improve server stability and further optimize our servers and clients. It is impossible to solve these problems once and for all, but our goal is to continuously improve in this regard."

      • Minimum requirements to play PUBG on PC
      • PUBG: New map and new servers based on PING

      Other details like sound, esports - where the 3D replay system is the key that will allow organizations to provide much better coverage of competitive matches -, spectator mode and much more are on the to-do list, until the experience of Battle Royale is totally perfect for players.

      In the end, it is said that later this year, a PUBG Developer Portal will be included to give access to the game's API service. Which is nothing more than a development blog and tech notes on game updates. The API service will serve "to support developers in the community in order to provide player and correspondent data around gameplay performance".

      That was the essential information of the "2018 PUBG Roadmap". And Greene ends by saying that it should be kept in mind that more content may be added throughout the year that was not mentioned in the script, so all players should stay tuned.


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