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    Race delay: Gran Turismo 7 delayed to 2022

    Unfortunately, Gran Turismo fans will have to wait a little longer for the seventh game in the franchise. In an interview with GQ Magazine, Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed that the racing game will only be released in 2022, contrary to the initial forecast of release later this year.

    During the interview with Jim Ryan, president of SIE, reporter Robert Leedham commented on Gran Turismo 7 and its 2021 release, however a Sony representative spoke about the change in the game's arrival date.

    "GT7 has been affected by Covid-related production challenges and will therefore shift from 2021 to 2022. With the ongoing pandemic, it's a dynamic and changing situation, so some critical aspects of game production have slowed down in recent months. We'll share more details on the GT7 release date when available."

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    Many postponements in 2021

    2021 has been merciless, delivering several delays and pushing away many games that are eagerly awaited by the public.

    In normal times, postponements, unfortunately, are already part of the industry. With the pandemic that plagues the world, this has become even more common, with many developers needing to postpone their projects due to the problems caused by Covid-19.

    Last year many delays were announced, as is the case with Far Cry 6 which was supposed to come out earlier this year, but is now scheduled for sometime between April 2021 and March 2022. Rainbow Six Quarantine finds itself in the same situation.

    This year, although it's only February, many titles have already changed their arrival date. The Lord of The Rings: Gollum and Hogwarts Legacy, are two big names that have already had confirmation of postponement.

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