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    Rage 2 is free for PC on the Epic Games Store

    Rage 2 is free for PC on the Epic Games Store

    Rage 2 is a highly praised shooter. The combat, the feeling of power with the weapons and the skills of the game are exciting. Now, for those who haven't played this phenomenon yet, we have great news, Rage 2 is free on the Epic Games Store right now.

    About Rage 2

    The plot of Rage 2 is somewhat chaotic, but it is possible to say that the player controls a chosen character who has special powers. Through this character, you will be able to explore an open world, where you will be able to collect weapons, evolve your skills and call against the Authority. The title bears a certain resemblance to the violence of the Borderlands franchise.

    Check out the official trailer for Rage 2 below:

    More exclusive games will arrive on the Epic Games Store in the next 2 years

    O 1 ° Rage

    Developed by studio id Software, Rage was originally released in 2010 for iOS. Soon after, the game was released in 2011 for PC (Windows), PS3 and Xbox 360. It is a first-person shooter (FPS) that uses the id Tech 5 graphics engine. The plot takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, after the impact of the asteroid 99942 Apophis, and players will control a soldier named Nicholas Raine, who has been put into hibernation in an underground shelter.

    When Nicholas Raine awakens from his deep slumber, he becomes a wanted man by the oppressive organization known as The Authority.

    How to download Rage 2 from the Epic Games Store

    To download Rage 2 for free from the Epic Games Store, you will need to register on the platform, install the Epic Games launcher and then download the game here. It is important to note that the deadline to obtain it is February 25, 2021.

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