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    Resident Evil Showcase: New Village Trailer, New Demo, RE 4 VR and More!

    The Resident Evil Showcase that took place yesterday (15) brought several news for fans of the franchise. Packed with interesting information about Resident Evil Village, the event certainly increased player hype for the title that will be released on May 7th.

    A new trailer, more plot elements, confirmation of who Heisenberg is, the reveal of a game mode... the Resident Evil Showcase didn't spare any news.

    New Resident Evil Village trailer

    Getting off to an exciting start, Resident Evil Showcase has revealed a new trailer for Village. The little more than three-minute trailer reveals information and new snippets of the game. It is possible to see Ethan on the run after being captured by Heisenberg, the mysterious hat-wearing character that has been catching players' attention in the title's trailers.

    Resident Evil Village: All about Lady Dimitrescu, plot, information and more

    We can also see Ethan escaping from enemy creatures, in addition to the trailer giving more information about the plot. It is possible to understand a little more about the village and its citizens, as well as the plot of the game is a little clearer. Finally, the video still offers a new scene with Chris Redfield, a famous character who has appeared as a possible antagonist in Village.

    Check out the trailer.

    Game mode revealed

    Resident Evil Showcase revealed that Village will feature the game mode "The Expendables", which is already known in the franchise. With the first-person camera, Village-style, the mode was created to also deliver a frenetic and constant action.

    Resident Evil Showcase: New Village Trailer, New Demo, RE 4 VR and More!

    Mercenaries mode will be present in Village.

    Now, the survival mode will allow players to use collectible skills that will serve to increase movement speed, offer more resistance, increase weapon damage and more. In addition, players will also be able to find the Duke - who is the Village merchant - to buy and upgrade their weapons during matches.

    New Village demo

    During the event, it was also confirmed that Resident Evil Village will get a new demo. After a leak on PSN, the demo was already expected by players, now Capcom has made the official confirmation.

    Unlike the demo titled "Maiden", the new Village demo will be available for all consoles and platforms. However, the demo will have a somewhat different format. Since in-person events cannot happen due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Capcom decided to give the same feeling to players, providing a one-hour session of its title. According to the company, the demo will be split between Lady Dimitrescu's village and castle, with players being able to choose how they spend this one hour demo.

    PlayStation preview demo

    PlayStation players will be able to check out two new Resident Evil Village demos before users on other platforms. With the pre-download now available, the first demo will arrive on April 17 at 21:5 (Brasília time) and will be available for eight hours, until 18:XNUMX am on the XNUMXth.

    A second demo will be available on the 24th, being also available from 21:5h and ending at 25:XNUMXh on the XNUMXth.

    One of the demos will be in the village while the other will take place in the castle. Both demos will be 30 minutes long and can be viewed by PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 owners.

    Check out the full Resident Evil Village demo schedule.

    • PS4 and PS5 (Early Access - Village): from April 17, at 21 pm (Brasilia), to April 18, at 5 am;
    • PS4 and PS5 (Early Access - Castle): from April 24 at 21 pm (Brasilia), to April 25 at 5 am;
    • All platforms: from May 1 at 21 pm (Brasilia) to May 2 at 21 pm.

    Add the PlayStation demo to your library at this link.

    Resident Evil 4 VR

    A big news for many players was the reveal of Resident Evil 4 VR.

    The classic released in 2005 is being remade to be offered in virtual reality. Even some gameplay snippets were revealed, with already known enemies and scenarios being revealed.

    More information will be posted on the Oculus Gaming Showcase on April 21.

    Check out the trailer for Resident Evil 4 VR.

    Partnership with Dead By Daylight

    In addition to the news that focus only on Resident Evil, the event also revealed a partnership with another title in the world of video games.

    In June, Dead By Daylight, the 4v1 multiplayer game, will receive a chapter inspired by the Capcom franchise. Probably the game will receive new survivors and assassins that will arrive directly from Resident Evil.

    More news will be announced in a Behavior Entertainment broadcast.

    Check out the teaser that was revealed at Resident Evil Showcase.

    Resident Evil Showcase: New Village Trailer, New Demo, RE 4 VR and More!

    In addition to all this gaming news, Showcase also showed a trailer for Resident Evil: Into the Absolute Dark, the animated series from Netflix that will arrive this July. Check out more details below.

    Resident Evil: In the Absolute Dark - Watch the new trailer for the Netflix series
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