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    Resident Evil Village: New showcase is announced by Capcom!

    Resident Evil Village: New showcase is announced by Capcom!

    Now, in fact, we can say that Resident Evil Village is closer than ever. To increase the hype, Capcom announced this Friday (30), that it will hold a new showcase about the big release. The Resident Evil Village showcase will take place on the 7th of May, the day the game will be released. Get ready for this big release of 2021!

    More in-depth information has not yet been revealed, so it is not possible to know what will be shown at this event. However, it has already been stated that the showcase will have Japanese guests. Something curious is the time for which the event was scheduled: 8 am (Brasilia time). The fact that the title was released a day earlier in Japan, due to the time difference, explains why the showcase takes place so early here in Spain.

    New Resident Evil Village demo

    With just a few days to go before the release of Resident Evil Village, which will introduce new elements of the franchise, a new demo is also approaching. After the two previous 30-minute demos that arrived on PlayStation consoles, a new demo will now be available for all platforms and will be one hour long.

    Initially, the demo would start this Saturday (1) and would only be available until the next day, but Capcom decided to expand the period of availability, allowing players to check out the content until the next day. May 9.

    Each user will be able to check the game for just one hour, without the possibility of starting from scratch. Therefore, it's best to be quick to finish the demo and check out everything it has to offer! Players will be able to explore the village and castle of Dimitrescu, in this title that is strongly inspired by a great classic of the franchise.

    Resident evil village

    After playing the demos, we prepared a special article on what to expect from Capcom's big release! Check it out below.

    Preview Resident Evil Village - All to be a great game
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