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    Review: Saint Seiya Awakening, a fun mobile with good PvP, but repetitive

    Review: Saint Seiya Awakening, a fun mobile with good PvP, but repetitive

    For fans of the Saint Seiya universe, or Knights of the Zodiac around here, and for players of turn-based RPGs with a gatcha system, Saint Seiya: Awakening is a complete and satisfying mobile game. It's a game for any age and that brings with it great graphics, Japanese dubbing with the original voices of the anime characters and also a well-made battle system, with numerous strategies both PvE and PvP.

    It is a relatively heavy mobile game, but with settings that allow a reduction in FPS and graphic quality for less powerful smartphones. The soundtrack is also imported from the anime, but with some not very memorable additions of its own.

    The game is free and available for both Android and iOS. There is, however, an in-App purchase system. The game is also available in a large number of languages, including Spanish, making it very easy to understand the texts of champions' abilities, which is often complex.

    Review: Saint Seiya Aweking, good PvP but repetitive.

    If you're not a Saint Seiya fan, it can be fun but hard to engage. If you're a fan but don't like PvP, the game is just monotonous and repetitive. The gatcha system and characters can cheer up, but it's in-game PvP that's really fun.

    Sistema de "Gatcha"

    Gatcha screen, each constellation represents a knight and there are 3 variations of gems, where only advanced and RA can result in S+ class

    To get knights, you depend on luck and the amount of summoning gems you have. Knights are randomly summoned from these gems, the famous gatcha system where you can be lucky to get higher classes like S and SS or fill your inventory with B classes. This system is very famous and common, especially in mobile and Asian games . It's a system that depends on luck, but it gives players a feeling of excitement when they gain a new high-class character. It's also a system that really encourages in-app purchases, as you can invest all your resources to try to get a specific character and just not be able to. When without summoning gems, there is the possibility of buying more with real money and the game itself sometimes offers lightning offers of 10 gems for much lower prices than the conventional one. It's not a pay-to-win game, but spending on it increases your chances of getting the characters you want. At the end of the day, what matters most is strategy and the most typical old luck.

    Another positive factor in the game is that any character of any class in the game can be useful. Within PvP or even PvE, the strongest players often use B classes on their team, that is, everyone can really be useful and not having an S class does not imply weakness. It all depends on your team composition and knight skill combinations.

    fighting system

    PvE Battle against a Boss

    Both in PvE and PvP the fighting system is by turns, whose order of action follows the speed of each knight, from highest to lowest. There are also clear strategies to face PvE bosses, dungeons, story mode and also PvP. In the beginning there aren't many possibilities to create multiple strategies and combos between your knights just because you have few knights. However, the game offers a system of daily quests with many rewards. It's not difficult to get things without having to spend in-game, which makes it fairer than many others of the genre. However, those who spend will obviously have advantages. But at the end of the day, time invested and luck dictate the strength of each player.

    Each knight has up to 4 skills, which can be active or passive. They each also have different mechanics and fit into compositions. The strategy behind the fights is always in the composition of the team, not in the quality of the knights. There are compositions for PvE and PvP, and at first the mandatory focus is on PvE, but it is PvP that keeps the game interesting over time.

    Beautiful graphics and animations

    Close-up champions inventory on Virgo Shaka 3D model

    In comparison to other mobile games and the other Saint Seiya game, Awakening has its visual merit. The skills come with good animations, some even with short cinematics typical of ultimate skills in video games and reminiscent of the famous anime attack animations. Especially for fans of the universe, the game's visuals are a big plus. The only negative point is that it is not a game that runs on any cell phone.

    You need at least 2GB of RAM and a quad-core processor or more to have a full experience and enjoy the graphics, while less than that can lead to very low FPS, in-game crashes and even crashes. Your cell phone will heat up, keep that in mind.


    There we enter the central point that involves playing Saint Seiya: Awakening for a few months. The story mode is nothing special or exciting, it's just a way to earn good rewards and level up faster. What's exciting about the game is the PvP competitiveness and, as in any RPG, getting stronger and stronger.

    For that it is necessary to gather resources and for that it is necessary grinding, that is, repeating dungeons multiple times. There is a system of stamina, or energy, that is consumed to enter dungeons or any map. At the end of the day, it's all a fight sequence. There's no exploration and no map, just fights, and that's what the game is all about. Strategic turn-based fights with teams made up of Saint Seiya's knights. In fact, it's not for everyone, but for those who like the genre and are also a fan of PvP, Saint Seiya: Awakening is guaranteed fun for a long time.

    Current theme event no time

    But, precisely with this repetition in mind, the game constantly promotes different events with new characters and different themes. This makes the game a little more flashy and less monotonous in general, while the game's PvP is always the same and that always promotes the need to upgrade and strengthen your team.


    It's not a difficult game to understand, even because the many features inside it are released little by little as you advance in the level. It's a complex game that requires reading each champion's skills and forming strategies to compose teams with synergy and dedicated to specific tasks, such as PvP, dungeons or story mode.

    It has beautiful graphics, dubbing with original voices of the characters, constant events and is not pay-to-win. The biggest plus point of the game is the ranked PvP and the constant team strengthening system. While the biggest negative point is its repetitiveness. At least there are automatic farming options in dungeons to leave your phone running the game on automatic while doing something else.

    It's a satisfying game at first, but it may not be for everyone, however, it's certainly especially engaging for fans of the Saint Seiya universe, since there's already a vast amount of characters available and in multiple versions. In the end, everyone can get a chance to use a character they like and fit them into a team. However, it can be frustrating not being able to use two or more characters you like together due to lack of synergy or incompatibility of their skill kits. But, this is to be expected from any game of the genre and there are still some characters that have more than one version with very different abilities from each other, so it may still be possible to make a team that you like at the end of the day and you can always wait for new character additions that happen almost monthly.

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