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    Rockstar Leeds Founder Gordon Hall Dies

    Rockstar Leeds founder Gordon Hall has passed away, according to Gordon was responsible for developing Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and GTA: Chinatown Wars, as well as contributing in 2009 to the Red Dead Redemption project at Rockstar San Diego.

    About Gordon Hall

    Gordon Hall's work with games began with the founding of Möbius Entertainment in 1997, where several titles were produced for the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance (GBA) platforms. After the release of Max Payne's GBA version, Rockstar Games acquired the studio and renamed it Rockstar Leeds.

    Rockstar Leeds Founder Gordon Hall Dies

    Founder of Rockstar Leeds and developer of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and GTA: Chinatown Wars, Gordon Hall.
    Rockstar guarantees that it will continue to focus on single-player experiences

    Between 2011 and 2013, Gordon devoted himself to studies on player psychology and microtransaction strategy. At this time, the game developer returns to his profession as creative director of Activison Blizzard Mobile. Team17 co-founder and head of business management at publisher Five Aces, Martyn Brown, says:

    "Gordon was simply brilliant, incredibly motivating and always positive. His pursuit of excellence was impressive and he formed a great bond of trust with those who chose to work (hard) alongside him. As a close friend he was truly inspiring and socially speaking, a single, energetic one who could have fun without stopping the drop of a hat, holding them all in the palm of his hand. Gordon will be sorely missed."

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