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    [Rumor] Microsoft will launch Project Scarlett with 5x more power than Xbox One X

      Apparently, according to the windowscentral website, Microsoft intends to announce the launch of two lines of consoles for the next generation. One will be more accessible and will be called "Lockart", while the other will have powerful hardware and is called "Anaconda". There is no idea what the new next-gen video games will actually look like, but now we have a good idea of ​​what their specs will look like.

      According to sources familiar with Microsoft's projects, the beefier version of Scarlett, the Anaconda, will have a processing capacity of 12 teraflops (TF) (versus 6TF for Xbox One X and 1,4TF for Xbox One S). The more "humble" version, Lockart, has approximately 4TF. However, it is not only teraflops that will determine the real capacity of the consoles, and an example of this is the presence of Ray Tracing in video games of the new generation.

      Even though Lockart had less brute force than Xbox One X, the features present in the new generation console will make the X surpass in many ways. Both new generation models will feature an 8-core processor clocked at 3,5Ghz, where the Anaconda will get more power per core compared to the Lockart. The clock increase on processors may not be that big, but there have been cache improvements, changes to the silicon architecture, and other tailor-made optimizations.

      [Rumor] Microsoft will launch Project Scarlett with 5x more power than Xbox One X

      Illustrative picture. Source: windowscentral

      With all the improvements made to the hardware used in next-gen video games, the Anaconda is said to be five times more powerful than the Xbox One X if the goals are met. According to reports, the Anaconda will have 13GB of dedicated RAM for games and 3GB for the operating system, giving a total of 16GB of RAM. Another big point is the use of proprietary NVMe SSDs, where an optimization was made to radically decrease the loading time, even eliminating the loading time in some cases (example: games with 1min of loading, can be loaded in a few seconds ).

      [Rumor] Microsoft will launch Project Scarlett with 5x more power than Xbox One X

      Illustrative picture. Source: windowscentral

      All this information is exciting, but it's important to treat it with a little caution as it's not official. Comment below what you think of the leaks that occurred and share your opinion with us!

      Fonte: windowscentral

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