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    [Rumor] Sony has plans to launch the Playstation 5 Pro in 2024

      [Rumor] Sony has plans to launch the Playstation 5 Pro in 2024

      According to reports, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) has plans to repeat what it did in the Playstation 4 generation by releasing a Playstation 5 Pro. This information appeared in an article celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Playstation on the GameInformer website.

      In the article on the website specializing in games, the executive vice president of engineering and hardware operations at SIE, Masayasu Ito, says that the 7-10 year cycle, which is normally done with consoles, is no longer viable, as companies unable to keep up with the rapid evolution of technology. This impasse, according to Masayasu, would only be resolved with the launch of a console with more powerful hardware.

      "Yes, in the past, the cycle for a new platform was 7 to 10 years, but given the rapid development and evolution of technology, it's really a 6 to 7 year cycle for the platform."

      "So we can't really keep up with the rapid development of technology, so our thinking is that as far as PS5 as a platform is concerned, maybe it's a 6-7 year cycle."

      "But in doing that, the platform lifecycle, we should be able to change the hardware itself and try to incorporate advances in technology. That was the thinking behind it and the test of that thinking was the PS4 Pro, released mid-season. PS4 cycle."

      Analyzing the words of the Sony employee, it is almost certain that in the year 2023 or 2024 the PS5 will get a version with more powerful hardware.

      What do you think of the idea of ​​always having a Pro line and a normal line? Agree or disagree? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

      Fonte: Eurogamer, GameInformer

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