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    Senate can vote on PEC 51/2017 that exempts digital games from taxes

    If you are a fan of video games, know that soon they will be cheaper. That's because this Wednesday (03), the Federal Senate, via CCJ (Commission on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship) must vote on the proposed constitutional amendment (PEC) 51/2017, which includes electronic games in the list of products with exemption tax. This list already includes items such as books and CDs. 

    PEC 51/2017, which was prepared by Senator Marta Suplicy (MDB-SP), intends to include physical and digital video games in the list of cultural products that do not pay taxes.

    Senate can vote on PEC 51/2017 that exempts digital games from taxes

    Senator Marta Suplicy (MDB-SP)

    The PEC rapporteur, Senator Telmário Mota (Pros-RR), says that the proposal comes as an attempt to reduce piracy. He still believes that the impact on tax revenue has several good reasons.


    Senate can vote on PEC 51/2017 that exempts digital games from taxes

    Senator Telmário Mota (Pros-RR

    Mota says that the PEC is "a real opportunity for the development of electronic games, with an increase in employment, profits and also revenue, since the contributions on gross revenue will continue to fall normally on the sector".

    Bearing in mind that if the tax exemption on electronic games represented a loss to the government's coffers, the proposal would violate the Fiscal Responsibility Law, and could not be approved.

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    The possibility of voting was confirmed by the Federal Senate itself on Twitter.

    The CCJ can vote on PEC 51/2017 this Wednesday, which includes electronic games in the list of products that have tax exemption - such as books and CDs. Read the PEC report:

    Public consultation on PEC 51/2017:

    — Federal Senate (@SenadoFederal) July 1, 2019

    According to the document, the approval of this PEC is the only way to really change the taxation of games, which today pay the same taxation as games of chance (about 70% of the value of the product).

    Remembering that the vote is not actually confirmed, as the Senate itself says that it "can" go to the vote. Therefore, there is the possibility that it ends up not even being voted on. We do not know how the tax exemption will affect the sector in the country, but if confirmed, it should positively affect game consumers and Spanish developers.

    Source: Senate.

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