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    Showing arrival in Midgard? God of War comic gets release date

    Showing arrival in Midgard? God of War comic gets release date

    God of War is without a doubt one of the biggest franchises exclusive to Sony. Kratos' saga can even be considered the biggest brand of PlayStation consoles, with a legion of fans and several titles that were well received by critics and the public. The 2018 release reinvented Kratos and his journey, introducing a new place, a new mythology and major changes to gameplay and mechanics, while still maintaining the quality and thus securing the award for best game of the year at The Game Awards. Now, fans will have new content to consume with the arrival of a comic that expands this universe and brings more about the plot of the most famous demigod in video games.

    The comic book God of War: Fallen God, from comic book publisher Dark Horse, will be released on March 10, 2021. Fallen God had been announced for some time, but its development was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    With the comic, maybe fans can find out how Kratos got to Midgard and maybe even how he met his wife, as the comic book series will take place between God of War 3 and God of War (2018), according to the official description. .

    "After defeating Zeus and foiling Athena's plans, Kratos believes he is finally free from his bondage, so he sets out into the desert in an attempt to distance himself from his home and his shame, only to find his anger and guilt follows close behind. Kratos rages against the only enemy he has proven to be invincible: himself, but a war against himself is invincible and only invites madness."

    The description also indicates that the content will focus on Kratos' personal evolution and changes, explaining how the demigod became the man seen in the most recent title in the franchise.

    God of War: Fallen God is written by Chris Roberson and features art by Tony Parker.

    Possible God of War adaptation in development

    Recently, Tony Vinciquerra, CEO of Sony Pictures, revealed that the giant is working on 10 adaptation projects, with 3 films and 7 television series. It is public knowledge that Uncharted and The Last of Us already have their live action versions confirmed, with Nathan Drake's game getting a movie while Joel and Ellie's journey will be shown in series format by HBO. The film already has its filming finished, with names like Tom Holland (Nathan Drake) and Mark Whalberg (Victor Sullivan) in the cast.

    Lots of content! Sony is producing 3 movies and 7 series of PlayStation games

    With the information that so many projects are in the works, gamers have started to speculate about which games might be being adapted. Titles like God of War, Horizon and Days Gone appeared among the main bets of the public.

    Now, a new rumor indicates that Kratos fans can get their hopes up. On Patreon, Daniel Ritchman released information that points to the development of an adaptation of God of War. Other information was not revealed, so it is not possible to say if the production will show the events of the first games or if it will already accompany Kratos on his journey through Midgard.

    It has also not been revealed whether the project is a movie or a television series.

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