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    SIE President Reveals Days Gone Coming to PC

    SIE President Reveals Days Gone Coming to PC

    This Tuesday (23), Jim Ryan, president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, revealed in an interview with British GQ that Days Gone will be released for PC during 2021.

    Developed by Bend Studio, Days Gone was released in 2018 as a PlayStation exclusive, after much anticipation from many players. Set in the US state of Oregon, the title shows the journey of Deacon St. John in a world overrun by zombies, as the character tries to find his missing wife. Soon, Deacon's adventure will also be available to PC players.

    Jim Ryan stated that bringing Days Gone to PC is a simple decision.

    "It's easier these days to make these games available to players who don't own consoles, so it seems like a simple decision for us."

    Ryan's statement suggests that other PlayStation exclusives could also come to PC.

    The PC port of Days Gone is slated to release between March and June 2021, if a specific date is mentioned.

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    Days Gone will follow in the footsteps of Horizon Zero Dawn

    This isn't the first time a popular PlayStation exclusive has come to PC. Last year, players were taken by surprise with the announcement of Horizon Zero Dawn being released for the other platform, including causing many players to revolt and show their dissatisfaction with the fact that the title is no longer a Sony console exclusive. .

    Jim Ryan commented on the release of Aloy's journey on PC and stated that the community did not react massively negatively, but we must remember that several complaints emerged on the internet.

    " We evaluated the exercise in two ways. Firstly, in terms of the direct success of the PC game publishing activity, people liked it and bought it. We also looked at it through the lens of what the PlayStation community thought about it. no massive adverse reaction to it. Therefore, we will continue to take mission steps in that direction."

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