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    Sony accidentally leaks the purchase of Bluepoint Games

    In a post celebrating the acquisition of Housemarque, studio responsible for return, the official Japanese profile of Sony on Twitter may have revealed the company's next purchase.

    In the tweet that would be welcoming to Housemarque, the profile ended up posting an image that actually contained the name of the Bluepoint games with words "Welcome to the family".

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    Sony reveals accidental purchase

    With the official tweet, obviously gamers have already started to claim that it is now a matter of time before Sony officially announces the acquisition of yet another studio. Although there may have been an error, it is very unlikely that the image was created without any foundation.

    The image too reminds me a lot the one used to celebrate the acquisition of Housemarque. It seems obvious that someone clicked where they shouldn't have and ended up revealing a big ad accidentally before time! The tweet has been deleted.

    Check the image.

    Sony accidentally leaks the purchase of Bluepoint Games

    Sony welcomes Bluepoint.

    Bluepoint Games e Sony

    A Bluepoint Games já have a connection with Sony, being the developer responsible for the remake of Demon's Souls, title PlayStation 5 exclusive, which was one of the first games released for the ninth generation console.

    Recently, rumors also emerged that pointed to the possibility of Demon's Souls no longer being a PlayStation 5 exclusive, being also released for PlayStation 4, but nothing has been confirmed so far.

    In addition to Demon's Souls, Bluepoint has already proven itself to be an expert in remakes working on God of War Collection, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection e Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, which makes the strong connection between the studio and the home of PlayStation even more evident.

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