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    Sony and Microsoft announce partnership - cloud service and artificial intelligence are the focus

      Microsoft and Sony announced last Thursday (16) a partnership that will focus on innovations in the areas of cloud services and artificial intelligence. According to an official publication on the Microsoft website, the partnership provides for the sharing of information, data and infrastructure between companies.

      One of the focus of the partnership will be on enhancing Microsoft Azure to support the respective games and streaming services. The companies believe that by working together, they will be able to deliver enhanced entertainment experiences to their customers around the world. 

      In the field of artificial intelligence, the idea is to integrate Sony's cutting-edge image sensors with Microsoft Azure's AI technology, aiming for products that are intuitive and user-friendly.


      Sony and Microsoft announce partnership - cloud service and artificial intelligence are the focus

      Kenichiro Yoshida, president and CEO from Sony to o lado de Satya Nadella, CEO from Microsoft.

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      Both Sony and Microsoft seem to be excited about this joining of forces. In testimony, Kenichiro Yoshida, president and CEO of Sony said that "for many years Microsoft has been a partner of the company, despite being competitors in some areas".

      "I believe that our work to develop the future of cloud technology will contribute to the advancement of interactive content. Furthermore, I hope that in the areas of semiconductors and artificial intelligence, the coming together of cutting-edge technologies will lead to the creation of new value for society." ", Yoshida added.

      Microsoft, on the other hand, was full of praise: "Sony has always been a leader in entertainment and technology, and the collaboration we've announced builds on that history of innovation," said Satya Nadella, the company's CEO. "Our partnership brings the power of Azure and Azure AI to Sony to deliver new entertainment and gaming experiences to customers."

      The official announcement by Microsoft doesn't go into detail about PlayStation and Xbox. It is not known for sure if we will have news regarding video games, but we know that this union will be amazing.

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