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    Sony announces purchase of Haven Studios, a studio specializing in multiplayer games

    Sony announces purchase of Haven Studios, a studio specializing in multiplayer games

    Heaven Studios was bought by Sony. The announcement was made today on the PlayStation blog by PlayStation Studios Director Hermen Hulst, who says that Jade Raymond, founder of the developer specializing in multiplayer games, brings "extensive experience of her achievements in the industry and an infectious passion for creating games." ".

    Sony started working with Jade early last year (2021), at which time Heaven Studios was being created. According to its blog post, Sony says there was an inspiration on Heaven's part to create a modern high-player experience that could unite gamers in a positive and meaningful way.

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    According to Sony, the company was confident in Jade's creative and technical expertise to deliver an ambitious project. In this way, PlayStation ended up investing and creating a new original IP for the platform.

    Shortly before the developer's birthday, Sony has decided to make the partnership between PlayStation and Heaven Studios official. Jade Raymond, CEO and founder of Heaven, says:

    "One year ago this month, we embarked on a journey to start Haven Studios with a small team and big ambitions. Our goal was to build a studio where we could make the kind of games we've always wanted to make - and games we've wanted to play!

    We've made incredible progress in a short amount of time thanks to our talented and passionate team and their exceptional contributions. We've established a culture in Haven based on kindness, adaptability and courage that unlocks creativity. Our first new PlayStation IP is on its way to deliver a AAA multiplayer experience with a vision to build a systemic and evolving world focused on freedom, excitement and fun that will keep gamers entertained and engaged for years to come.

    Today, the Haven team begins a new phase of our journey as part of the PlayStation Studios family. Working with Hermen, Connie Booth and the PlayStation team over the past year has been a career highlight. SIE is a supportive partner who truly understands the creative process and what it takes to make a highly successful AAA game. They have empowered and encouraged us to bring our bold vision to life and realize our dreams, and we couldn't be more excited about this opportunity to strengthen our partnership.

    As a first-party SIE studio, we will have the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most renowned development teams in the world, including studios like Guerrilla, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule and Insomniac Games, the game makers who have inspired us as gamers and developers. for years. We're excited to learn from these world-class studios, as well as the exceptional core creative, technology, and marketing teams, whose experience will enable us to deliver even better games to gamers.

    To our Haven team - a huge thank you. It's been one of the most rewarding years of my career - and for players, we can't wait to share more. We are just at the beginning of what is sure to be a wonderful adventure that will span generations."

    It is worth remembering that Sony has invested heavily in acquiring new studios to supply PlayStation games and services, which serves as a response against Microsoft, its main rival in the market, which already acquired Activision Blizzard earlier this year. Sony recently announced the acquisition of Bungie, the studio behind Destiny, for $3,6 billion.

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