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    Sony will award $50 or more to anyone who finds a critical flaw in the PS4

    Sony and HackerOne recently announced a partnership to jointly launch a reward program for security researchers. According to SIE (Sony Interactive Entertainment) Senior Director of Software Engineering Geoff Norton, rewards for the program will be paid for each vulnerability found on the Playstation 4 console or Playstation Network.

    How the SIE Vulnerability Rewards Program will work

    The bounty program created by Sony consists of paying more for a vulnerability that is critical in the PS4. If the person finds it, the company can pay $50000 or more. Failure notifications can be sent through the console's operating system.

    There are also other prizes for discovering the lowest vulnerability levels for the Playstation 4. Sony will pay up to US$10000 for those who find a high level, US$5000 for medium and US$500 for low.

    As for PSN, Sony will pay less. If someone finds a critical vulnerability, they will be rewarded up to $3000. However, when you find a high-level vulnerability, you will be paid up to $1000. If the vulnerability is medium level, up to US$400 and up to US$100 for low level will be paid.

    Sony will award $50 or more to anyone who finds a critical flaw in the PS4

    PS4 and PSN Vulnerability Bounty Program Rewards Table. Source: hackerone

    Microsoft also has a similar program for Xbox

    There is also a program similar to this one, which involves security and researchers, for Microsoft's Xbox console. The company launched earlier this year, but independently.

    What do you think of Sony's efforts to make your console and PSN more secure? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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