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    Stadia Controller now supports USB-C headsets and headphones

    Google's game streaming service Stadia Controller recently gained support for USB-C audio devices. Now, when using the Stadia platform through Chromecast or a browser on the PC (Chrome or Firefox for example), it will be possible to use headphones or headsets that have USB-C. This opens the possibility for two types of improvement: better sound amplification than the controller used (there is an internal DAC/amp in the USB headphones) and the possibility of connecting a headphone with a microphone without using adapters to transform one output into two. (for the microphone and for the earphone).

    Promise of USB-C Headphone Support is Almost 1 Year Old

    Launched on November 19, 2019, Stadia took almost 1 year to add the USB-C headphone support functionality that it had already promised. Previously, it was only possible to use the controller's USB-C port to charge or to connect it to a smartphone or PC. Basically, Google sold a wireless controller that was actually not wireless in the vast majority of cases, with the exception of when the user used it on the Chromecast Ultra.

    Stadia Controller now supports USB-C headsets and headphones

    Wireless Stadia Controller developed by Google. Source: The Verge
    Apple Allows Stadia and xCloud to Run on iOS (iPhone) After Reviewing Policies

    Google and the broken promises for Stadia

    Another promise that Google made for Stadia is to add support for Bluetooth audio to the controller, however it did not say when the functionality would arrive. At least one thing the company has made clear: the new Chromecast will not support Stadia until the first half of 2021.

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