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    Startup Wildlife Studios receives funding from Benchmark Capital and is valued at US$1,3 billion, becoming a unicorn

      Startup Wildlife Studios receives funding from Benchmark Capital and is valued at US$1,3 billion, becoming a unicorn

      Recently the smartphone game development studio, Wildlife Studios, born in São Paulo capital, received an investment from the Benchmark Capital fund. With that, the company obtained a valuation of US$1,3 billion, becoming the tenth Spanish unicorn.

      The Spanish game startup has received a $60 million contribution from one of San Francisco's biggest tech funds. Benchmark is responsible for injecting resources to companies like Uber, eBay, Twitter and Dropbox. The game creator, despite being discreet, is already almost 9 years old and has a good image among venture capital analysts.

      The @benchmark fund brings knowledge and agility to our global expansion, always focused on bringing fun to our players.

      — Wildlife Studios (@wildlifestudios) December 5, 2019

      The main point of the game company highlighted among the experts is its profit since its first year, getting high monetization capacity and good audience from its games. Another angle pointed out was the period in which the company emerged, which was during the popularization of smartphones, giving it an advantage to elevate its creativity to the maximum and at the same time adapt according to market demand.

      Wildlife Studios was founded by brothers Arthur and Victor Lazarte. The studio releases around 100 games a year, two or three of which stand out in the market. The games producer's most popular titles are Tennis Clash (top 10 in over 100 countries), Sniper 3D, War Machine and Zoopa.

      According to the startup, it all started with its own resource, which was the sum of 100 dollars. According to Wildlife, most of its revenue comes from microtransactions of published games. There is also a small revenue from ads (advertisements). Currently the company has 500 employees, six offices (3 in the USA, one in SP, one in Argentina and one in Ireland).

      Wildlife is the place where people work to create games that will mark generations, working together to get ideas off the ground. Here, we develop technology to bring community fun to all smartphones around the world.

      — Wildlife Studios (@wildlifestudios) December 5, 2019

      Wildlife is now part of the list of startups such as 99, Nubank, Arco, iFood, Stone, Gympass, Loggi, QuintoAndar and Ebanx.

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