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    Study shows mobile gaming is more effective than meditation or relaxation

    A study carried out by scientists from the University of Bath and University College London, both from the United Kingdom, carried out a study recently that brought an amazing discovery to gamers. According to scientists, Playing games on smartphones is the most effective way to relieve stress, being even more effective than guided meditation and mindfulness apps. 

    To reach that conclusion, experts looked at different activities that helped people relax after a peak of stress. Afterwards, they compared the results, which showed that playing on smartphones is more relaxing. 

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    Study shows mobile gaming is more effective than meditation or relaxation

    According to the study, to know if the method actually relaxed the people studied, relaxation, psychological detachment, control over activities and mastery of a skill separate from work were taken into account. 


    What is nomophobia? The so-called smartphone addiction The first part of the research looked at 45 people in total. Scientists asked them to perform a mathematical exercise - which is capable of generating stress similar to a day at work.

    Afterwards, people were divided into three groups, the first of which played Block! Hexa Puzzle, the second did a 10-minute guided meditation exercise and the third sat back and relaxed, with the option to play with a fidget spinner. Afterwards, people filled out a form assessing their levels of tiredness, calm, tension and energy.

    Study shows mobile gaming is more effective than meditation or relaxation

    Another study of 20 people did something long-term. For five days, everyone played games on their smartphones or did a guided meditation exercise after work, filling out the form after each activity.

    Both experiments showed that participants who opted for the smartphone game relaxed more. They reported having more energy and feeling less tired than those who used the apps to relax. So, don't feel guilty if you take a few minutes to play on your cell phone after work! It's a health issue.

    If you like games on smartphones, check out our board called Roda Liso, where we test the main games on smartphones.

    Fonte: the national

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