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    Team Rocket has mysteriously disappeared from Pokémon GO

      Team Rocket recently arrived in the mobile game Pokémon Go, which is available for iOS and Android operating systems. Along with the criminal organization came the Shadow Pokémon (shadow Pokémon) and this added new challenges to the game. To face the team members, the user has to go to the pokestops and rotate normally to collect the items, soon after the act, a member of the Rocket team will appear.

      As soon as you find the evildoers, the user will face a battle that is similar to the disputes between players that already occur in the game, where each player will have three pokémons to use during the battle.

      The mechanics of battles with the rocket team work as follows:

      1. Team rocket invades a pokestop.
      2. User will battle team member rocket and their Shadow Pokémon.
      3. If defeated, Team Rocket will abandon their Shadow Pokémon.
      4. So the user can capture the Shadow Pokémon.
      5. If captured, the user will have to purify the Shadow Pokémon.


      Catching a Shadow Pokemon is similar to how to capture a Pokemon in a Raid, where the user receives White Pokeballs (Premier Balls) as soon as they defeat the Pokemon.

      To purify the pokemon is very simple, just go to the captured pokemons menu, select the shadow pokemon and just below the evolve option, there will be the option to purify it which will cost you 2000 stardust and two candy.

      Team Rocket has mysteriously disappeared from Pokémon GO

      Illustrative picture

      Unfortunately, these appearances were short-lived and team rocket and their dark pokemon mysteriously disappeared. On the social network Twitter, the Pokémon Go account posted the following message:

      "Professor Willow has noticed that the appearances of discolored pokestops and Pokémon cloaked in a shadowy aura... have suddenly stopped? Hmm... This phenomenon continues to get more worrisome the more we investigate it."

      Professor Willow has noticed that sightings of discolored PokéStops and Pokémon enshrouded in a shadowy aura have...suddenly stopped? 🤔 🔍 Hmm... This phenomenon keeps getting more troubling the more we investigate it. 😨

      — Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) July 23, 2019

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      This message did not make clear the reason for the disappearance of the phenomena, if it is something that is part of some evil plan of the rocket team or if there was a problem in the Pokémon Go servers that caused the interruption of the event.

      Source: Eurogamer

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