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    The 5 worst game-based movies

    The video game industry has become gigantic, with great titles, excellent professionals and a lot of investment. With this success, it is natural that many companies have the idea of seize the opportunity in another type of media. Comics, books, animations and more, game franchises have already been offered to the public in other ways. It's no different in the movies., with many features based on names that appeared in video games.

    However, as most of you may already know, it seems that there is a kind of curse that makes game-inspired movies fail to achieve the expected quality. Many feature films have even become big failures, turning into a joke. In several attempts to adapt a game for the cinemas, it is quite complicated find a movie that's really good.

    Game movies often also feature the problem of lack of fidelity. Sometimes changing something seems to make sense so that the plot fits with a work for the cinema, at other times the changes are pure choices of the director without a reasonable explanation... there are many reasons, but the fact is that many feature films inspired by games have already presented changes that did not please the public.

    In a sad, very long list of bad movies based on games, today we are going to talk about the ones that are the worst of the worst. Get ready, because here comes junk! Now that you are warned, read at your own risk.

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    The five worst game-based movies

    Super Mario Bros.

    The 5 worst game-based movies

    A big dump.

    Mario is one of the most iconic characters in video game history, and for that reason our dear plumber I didn't deserve to go through this. Released in May 1993, Super Mario Bros. went down in history as one of the most bizarre adaptations of games.

    To begin with, you must understand that the film presents a plot in which Bowser is a king who lives underground, being a type of human being descended from dinosaurs... you can already feel it, can't you? Continuing the show of horrors and oddities, in the plot of the movie Mario is not Luigi's brother, but rather adopted the boy when he was still a baby. It's also good to remember that Mario's last name in the feature is... MARIO. That's right, that way Luigi is Luigi Mario!

    Nowadays, some venture to say that Super Marios Bros. it's so bad it's good. I'd rather try to forget that the movie exists.

    Street Fighter: The Final Battle

    The 5 worst game-based movies

    Van Damme was embarrassed.

    Funded by Capcom, the Street Fighter movie had very little time to release after its announcement, which already indicated that a bomb could hit theaters. The situation also became worrying when Jean-Claude Van Damme was announced in the cast, playing a character named Colonel Guile. Where was Ryu?

    With Van Damme being a somewhat complicated figure at the time, the recordings weren't easy either. In addition, much of the film's budget went only to the star at its peak. In the end, the film presented an extremely weak plot, terrible dialogues and was an adaptation that totally escaped from what was seen in games. O The only positive highlight was Raul Julia in the role of Bison.


    The 5 worst game-based movies

    Absurdly bad.

    The Tekken movie is another that totally strays from what is seen in video games, with this being a sure path for an adaptation to become a big failure in theaters.

    One of the worst changes is the fact that in the feature, Kazuya raped Jun Kazama. The idea becomes absurdly controversial when we remember that none of this happened in the games. In the games, Jun and Kazuya fell in love and thus conceived Jin. In the film, after being raped and almost killed by Kazuya, Jin raised her son hidden and alone.

    With a terrible plot and other weaknesses, the film is one of the biggest flops in the history of adaptations.

    House of the Dead

    The 5 worst game-based movies

    It even looks like a joke.

    House of the Dead is one of the worst zombie movies ever. I doubt that you, dear reader, will be able to find anyone who has at least one argument to try to refute this claim.

    The genre, like other variations on horror, often delivers the famous "bad movies that are good", but believe me when I say that's not the case with House of the Dead. With a dark plot, extremely forced sexualization and a violence that clearly tries to impact, but is not able to fulfill its objective, the film is a complete aberration. The bomb director was Uwe Bol...keep that name!

    Alone in the Dark

    The 5 worst game-based movies

    A big fiasco.

    Alone in the Dark seems to be a movie that made an effort to be bad, and if this is true, we should value the attempt. Lest there's a certain hope that the writer is crazy and the movie is good - since fans like to be positive - I'll start by letting you know about the movie's approval on Rotten Tomatoes: 1%. You didn't read it wrong.

    And guess who is the director of this "work of art"? Uwe Boll...exactly the same as House of the Dead. If you're already thinking a lot about the director having appeared here twice, know that on his resume he still has adaptations like Far Cry, Postal and more. fuck you! There are a lot of horrible works, but Alone in the Dark managed to overcome them all... negatively speaking.

    With poor performances and an absurdly bad plot, the film still shows creatures that are clearly extremely poorly made dolls. Alone in the Dark is not only the worst game adaptation ever released, but also one of the most terrifying films in the history of cinema.

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