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    The best offline RPGs for PC

    The best offline RPGs for PC

    The trend of modern games is to take advantage more and more of the comprehensive connectivity that we have today. That said, games are being created with multiplayer modes in mind. However, there is always that annoying situation where we don't have internet or we simply don't want to play with other people.

    The RPG genre in video games is dominated by MMOs, but there are also those games focused on an immersive narrative in which the player is a part of its construction. Offline RPGs have a very different focus, they are games that you play alone and that's more than enough.

    » TIP: See more lists of the best games, here.

    Precisely for this reason, we engage with the different characters throughout the gameplay, create bonds and enter the universe in question as a true role-playing experience. So we put together a list of the best offline RPGs for PC, which value precisely for an engaging story, character development and extensive customization. These games are all modern, that is, there are no very old games that are difficult to find, check them out:

    Divinity original sin 2

    This game is without a doubt one of the biggest games out there in terms of size. The universe is absolutely gigantic and the quests are countless. In this RPG, it would definitely take you at least 100+ hours just to finish the main narrative. The customization of the team and the character itself is very wide both in terms of visuals and gameplay. It's a game very true to its genre, with very strategic and turn-based battles and a story that depends a lot on the player's own investigation, reading and initiative. For example, it's not a game full of dramatic and mandatory cutscenes to narrate the events, the story is told essentially in books, notes, letters and especially in the dialogues with each NPC that crosses your path. That's why Divinity is a huge game, it's not a game to play quickly. It takes patience and involvement, and if that happens it's without a doubt one of the best RPG games you'll play in your entire life. It's a difficult game that requires a lot of exploration and development from the player to become stronger to be able to face the fights and bosses of the main narrative. That is, sidequests are and are not optional. You'll have to explore the world and solve many quests to advance the narrative. However, even strong in stats and equipment, the game will still be very difficult if you don't play with strategy. Some fights can take up to an hour due to the many elements and strategies involved. Oh, and this game allows you to advance this whole story in local multiplayer (LAN), one of the rare games that still have this functionality. There's also an online multiplayer mode that even lets you create complex campaigns from scratch, editing map, monsters, NPCs and everything in between. Developed for Larian Studios, DIvinity Original Sin 2 is available on Steam from R$90,99, but it also has versions for PS4 and Xbox One.

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    Digimon Cyber Sleuth

    This game is on this list for very specific reasons. Digimon Cyber ​​Sleuth differs greatly from the other titles here in being a JRPG of the Monster Temer subgenre. That is, it is a game of taming monsters, in the case of digimons. For anyone who is not a fan of Digimon and doesn't like this type of game, it probably won't be a cool game. However, for anyone who is a fan of Digimon, Pokémon or simply this type of Monster Tamer game, Digimon Cyber ​​Sleuth is one of the best titles of this type ever released and is undoubtedly the best DIgimon game ever made. It has a broad, very engaging and essentially good story. The digimon creation system is very customizable and has numerous features. It's another game that requires team building strategy, equipped skills, items and many other things. However, it is not a difficult game and turns out to be a great game to relax and train the digimons you like the most. Digimon Cyber ​​Sleuth is available on Steam for R$129,99 and also has a version for PS4 (which was actually the first one released).

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    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    There's no way to talk about RPG and The Witcher 3 not be mentioned. Considered perhaps the best RPG ever made, The Witcher 3 has won numerous awards - and quite deservedly - and is a game with exceptional graphics, an exciting, engaging and very well-crafted narrative, accompanied by an incredible and challenging action system. It's a game that guarantees many hours of gameplay and has two DLCs that could be games apart from being so extensive. The Witcher 3 gives the player limited fighting style customization with skill trees and equipment categories, while having the player take an active role in the story with their choices, leading to several different endings. It's not the strongest role-playing game on this list, but it's an extremely coherent, complete, and nearly flawless game in its own right. The Witcher 3 is a CD Projekt Red game, available for consoles and PC on Steam from R$79,99, currently on sale until June 1st for R$23,99 for the base version and R$29,99 for the Game of The Year Edition!

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    Dragon Age trilogy

    Bioware is a developer whose excellence in the development of role-playing in its games is undeniable. Dragon Age is only Bioware's first series on this list for precisely bringing a very strong customization and role-playing system within its trilogy. Dragon Age: Origins is the first title with a story that differs in many ways depending on the class, race and origin of the created character. The choices are very important and permanently mark the universe that can be imported into Dragon Age 2. This save transfer system is exceptional and makes the games connect not only through the universe and narrative, but also through the gameplay experience. Dragon Age: Inquisition closes the trilogy being a very good game in itself and with very good graphics even by 2020 standards. Each Dragon Age game has a story with a beginning, middle and end and the player is a different character to each one of them. The universe, however, is the same and there are numerous references and participation of your character from the previous game in the narrative of the second and third games. Romance is another very interesting factor in Bioware games, with numerous romance options for all sexual orientations and that require dedication, specific quests, friendship and approval levels while bringing more involvement with the characters of each game. Dragon Age games are available on the Origin Store for R$19,90, R$29,90 and R$39,90 respectively in the base versions and also have versions for consoles.

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    Trilogia Mass Effect

    Another Bioware trilogy and one of the game series that particularly involved me in its narrative, bringing a huge roller coaster of emotions. Mass Effect gives a lot of weight to the player's trajectory throughout the 3 games, as well as in Dragon Age, bringing multiple endings, decisions that kill or save characters and even the existence of entire alien races. The same system of importing saves from past games exists in Mass Effect, but unlike Dragon Age, in all three Mass Effect games the player is in the shoes of Commander Sheppard. The shooter and action gameplay was innovative in combining tools, weapons and biotic powers of the player and his squad, creating many possible strategies that require quick thinking and dynamism. Mass Effect even received a fourth game in 2017, Mass Effect: Andromeda, but the game was terribly panned and has terrible graphics optimization, causing even the most advanced GPUs to struggle to run its less-than-impressive graphics, so Andromeda is definitely not included in this. recommendation. The 3 original games are available on the Origin Store in a bundle for R$99,90, or separately for R$69,90 each.

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    The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

    Like The Witcher 3, Skyrim is a symbol of the RPG genre in video games. Perhaps as big as Divinity Original Sin 2, the game is an example of role-playing. The player character is unique to him. Appearance, class, fighting style, everything is customizable. There is a main narrative that is also very well developed and extremely exciting. The Skyrim universe is shaped by the player, you can join factions, become a great archmage or the leader of a guild of assassins. It all depends on the player's actions. Each NPC is unique and irreplaceable, meaning if you kill someone, there's no going back. While Skyrim is itself a phenomenal and iconic game that features a lot of additional DLC content, this game has one of the largest mod catalogs out there, allowing you to customize your game even further. Even at 10 years old, Skyrim can be as graphically beautiful as recently released games with the correct mods. You can edit the universe and gameplay however you want, even adding pokemons, for example. Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, the game is available on Steam in its collector's edition for R$169,90.

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    Dark Souls III

    An icon in difficulty and gameplay. Dark Souls III is perhaps the best game in the series that has brought a unique style that has already inspired many other games. Marked by the dark environment and the extreme difficulty, this game is excellent in what it proposes. It's not a game for everyone, I repeat again that the difficulty is extreme. The penalty for each kill is very heavy and the gameplay is very limited to the credible. There are no big punches and pirouettes, it's a game that is based on studying and memorizing enemy and boss attack patterns and positioning yourself in the best way, waiting for the best moment to attack. The narrative is subtle and found in the speeches of some characters, elements such as structures, items and even enemies discreetly tell more and more about the world you are in. Of all the games on this list, Dark Souls is remarkable for the whirlwind of emotions it provides. Defeating a boss you've died to dozens of times is worthy of tears of joy. A Bandai game, Dark Souls III is available on Steam for R$159,90.

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